

The overall decline of TV shopping: some anchors once earned 200000 a month, but now it is difficult to make a living when they switch to live broadcasting.

创事记 ·  Jul 6, 2020 10:01

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80% of people began to switch to live or short videos.

Yang Fan, a TV shopping anchor, has been in this business for nine years. As soon as he graduated from college, he joined a national shopping channel. Now, he feels that there is a marked loss of audience in the industry.

"this loss does not mean the invasion of small mobile screens, but at least 10% of the members have 'left the world forever' because of their age, but no young new users have added in. "

Once upon a time, TV shopping was as popular on the screen as today's live broadcast. But in the twinkling of an eye, TV shopping is dying. "Live with goods to play is the rest of TV shopping 15 years ago," this is the dissatisfaction of TV shopping anchors, but also a kind of wasted sigh.

Today, we found three practitioners of TV shopping channels and asked them to talk about TV shopping and live broadcast stories.

"now the live broadcast brings goods to play with the rest of TV shopping 15 years ago."

Yang Fan, the host of a TV shopping channel, has worked for 9 years.

I joined a TV shopping channel in 2011. At that time, I had just graduated from college, and I happened to meet a TV shopping channel that had just been established. Although it was a shopping channel, it was a national platform after all, and it could realize the dream of the host. After several tradeoffs, I entered this circle.

At that time, TV shopping was still at the end of the golden period of development.Hunan Satellite TV), Oriental purchase (Oriental Satellite TVExcellent shopping is popular all over the country, and our channel can be regarded as a rising star, which has also caused a great sensation in the industry.

When it comes to TV shopping, there are always some media who will make fun of Boss Hou, the number one anchor in the TV shopping era, and his "eight minds and arrows". In fact, TV shopping is divided into two types: satellite TV shopping programs and family shopping channels. "Boss Hou" appears on satellite TV shopping programs, which are interspersed with advertisements, usually selling a product within more than ten minutes, and the time is tight and the task is heavy, so it will be grandiose, because it has to attract attention.

“侯总”式卖货 /图源:公众号“ELLEMEN睿士”

In contrast, the home shopping channel is much more serious, with guarantees in terms of selection, sales and after-sales. For example, if a commodity wants to be on the shopping channel, it must first be connected to our commodity purchasing department, and then we will hold an internal selection meeting, which will be attended by the senior management of the company, the quality inspection department, and the host, which will pass smoothly, and then receive us. The process takes about a month.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, our business was greatly affected. On the one hand, the industry as a whole is shrinking. On the other hand, the epidemic makes people afraid to spend money indiscriminately. Things bought from TV are generally not in rigid demand, and can be bought or not.

In the past, when the combined price was 199 yuan, it was possible to sell more than 1000 groups in good times, but now it may only be able to sell 500 or 600 sets.

The shopping channel is also a self-financing company, so when the market is bad, some of our colleagues have been notified of a pay cut, and we haven't paid a bonus for months.

The goods brought by the live broadcast were very popular, but the fire did not reach us. This era no longer belongs to us. In the circle I observed, almost 80% of people began to switch to live or short videos. Although many TV shopping channels have begun to make reforms, such as the introduction of mobile App, large screen to small screen, but the current results are not particularly good.


The key problem now is that the operating rate is low and fewer and fewer people watch TV. Relevant data show that the proportion of our members has been reduced by about 10%. Where are these people going? Passed away. The main crowd of TV shopping is the middle-aged and elderly, and most of them are in their fifties and sixties. When some people die, it will lead to the loss of members. You can't attract young people. They all stick on Taobao or Douyin.

Sometimes, I am grateful for the rise of live streaming. Ten years ago, when people knew that you were a TV shopping host, I was a little shy. Now, the whole people are live with the goods. In terms of professionalism, we are the most professional, or the national team.

My friends around me often joke, and now the goods brought live are all left over from our TV shopping 15 years ago, and the fact is roughly the same. Almost all the routines and trunks can be found in TV shopping.

I often watch live broadcasts of stars such as Li Jiaqi, Weiya or Liu Tao. They almost introduce 40 or 50 items within two hours, focusing on discounts and prices. But we are different, we have to make a product into a program, 45 minutes, and it is in the form of live broadcast. Therefore, when it comes to the professionalism of goods, we are invincible.

Moreover, young people watch live broadcasts more for cost performance, because anchors can get the lowest price. But in shopping TV stations, generally speaking, the average unit price is relatively high. TV shopping for many groups are also "high-knowledge" elements, they have their own judgment, values, pension income is very high.

In recent years, collectibles programs are very popular in TV shopping. The unit price is very high, and there are goods of more than 100,000 yuan. The gross profit of this kind of goods is high, and there are also many channels. It has once become a pillar program of many TV shopping channels. When it comes to holidays, a certain collection program achieves an intention transaction of four to five million yuan.

某电视购物频道收藏类节目 /图源:网络

There are many people in our industry who jump out to do short videos and live broadcasts. Some people jump out because they earn more money, and some people jump out because they are free. Everyone thinks differently, so I choose to stay because I like to host this job and earn well.

I feel that TV shopping will not die out, but will only change slowly.

We also often carry out offline activities and invite members of our channel to participate. We go to interact with these grandparents and invite them to walk the catwalk. In fact, they know more than we do. They all know that our routines or performances are performances. For example, merchants are crying and shouting to lose money, but they like to watch them.

In other words, you can understand this love as companionship. These old people need us to accompany, children are not around, they cook in the kitchen, eating in the living room, listening to us to explain the goods hard, is also a kind of company, companion shopping.

Young people will not stare at the screen to watch the live broadcast, buy what they want to buy and then withdraw from the broadcast room. But these old people may stare at the screen all day without missing a minute. This is the power that TV shopping will not die out.

He used to earn 200000 a month, but now he is in his 30s and plays live with goods.

Da Ligeda, former host of Jiangsu Satellite TV Haohe Shopping Channel and manufacturer's representative, has worked for 11 years.

I have worked in Haoheng Shopping under Jiangsu Satellite TV for almost 11 years, host for two years, and Party C for more than 9 years, that is, the manufacturer's representative.

When I am the host, when I am busiest, I go round and round every day from 10:00 to 12:00 in the morning. There are no more than six programs on the schedule. Then he jumped out and became a manufacturer's representative.

Manufacturers' representatives often partner with the host of the shopping channel to play the role of "support" to keep the conversation going. We often use the word "acting stalker" to express the effect, and now we often use these means to bring goods live. During the busiest period, in the first two years, there were up to 50 programs a month, with a program for 40 minutes, with an average maximum of 5000 yuan per show, which is usually a little more than 3000 yuan.

电视购物两三人搭配,也是一场另类“相声”艺术 /图源:网络

The biggest decline in TV shopping was in 2019, first and foremost by the rise of webcast. In fact, when Taobao Live became popular in 2017, it did not have a great impact on TV shopping. The biggest shock was the rise of Pinduoduo in 2018 and 2019.

Pinduoduo's target users, goods and TV shopping overlap rate is very high, the target population are mainly people of the same age as parents in second-and third-tier cities.

The sales mode of TV shopping is mainly packaged (combined) sales, and there are few single sales. But on Pinduoduo, the goods can be sold separately, and the unit price is not expensive, so some people who shop on TV have transferred to Pinduoduo.

TV shopping cannot be better than before, especially under the influence of this year's epidemic.

In fact, in 2017, I switched to live streaming on Taobao, and I was frustrated at that time, because Taobao did not give you traffic, and you broadcast live for four or five hours alone, just like talking to the air. You can't talk like a monk chanting sutras, but you must act as if you speak to thousands of people.

It's on the air at 12:00 in the evening. When you take a shower, you don't know what you did that day? Confusion often sweeps through the body.

The next day, you will wonder if you are not wearing the right clothes, whether selling makeup is a mistake, whether you should sell clothes, or food, going back and forth for four or five months, but to no avail.

At that time, the family also needed money, Taobao live broadcast needed to invest a lot of time, but the income was very small, so they were forced to give up.

In 2019, a friend of mine started a MCN company, so he signed me in as an anchor, and their company was mainly, so I became the anchor of TV shopping is also being done, but most of the energy is focused on live broadcast.

For people who have done TV shopping, it is relatively easy to become an anchor, with similar skills, mainly because they are too old to have enough energy. For example, if you do six to eight hours of live broadcast every day, like young people, you don't have much income, only a few thousand yuan or 10,000 yuan a month, then I may not be able to hold on, because you have to pay off your mortgage and support your family.

To do TV shopping is to let products attract users and find ways to retain users, while live streaming is more about the supply chain and goods, to put it bluntly, to strive for cost-effective products, because your audience and fans know that the anchors sell this tonight, just place orders and buy them directly, which is a kind of purposeful consumption and fan economy.

Therefore, it is necessary to create anchors to attract more fans, which requires something of an entertaining nature.

淘宝主播“呼呼美呼”被视为电视购物从业人员转型直播最成功的案例之一 live broadcast is mainly digital on mobile phones, and officials give more traffic to flagship stores, while individual anchors are less distinctive. So now I'm going to go live on Douyin and Kuaishou Technology, and now I'm thinking about how to create personalities and gather fans.

If your supply chain can be solved, you will be easier to operate, in short, there must be something to sell.

In the media industry, this is the most volatile industry. Some people say that people in this industry are eating the rice of adolescence, facing transformation all the time, and have a feeling of drifting in the times.

Transformation means standing on the same starting line with some young people in their 20s. Although they have some experience, they are sometimes very anxious. They can't sleep in the middle of the night and lose their hair straight.

Of course, selling goods can be done for a lifetime, because people have to buy things all their lives.In your 20s, you can sell makeup; in your 30s, you can sell electronics or clothing, and when you are in your fifties and sixties, you can sell household things, such as smart furniture.

However, if you want to sell for a lifetime, you still have to "transform". Although this road is very difficult, it must be carried on.

"TV shopping won't disappear in a short time."

Lin Associate, Product Development Manager of a TV Shopping Channel in Taiwan, has worked for 17 years.

Compared with the ups and downs of TV shopping in mainland China, TV shopping in Taiwan shows steady development. For example, during the epidemic, the consumption habits of some consumers changed during the epidemic, and there was a significant increase in residential economic commodities. Benefit from thisSomeLike other online channels, Taiwan's TV shopping has seen a marked increase in revenue.

I have been in this line of work in Taiwan for 17 years and am mainly responsible for commodity development. My experience is:If a shopping TV station maintains strict selection of goods and good membership service, it will accumulate a group of "golden" members of TV shopping.

In fact, TV shopping channels in Taiwan face problems similar to those in the mainland. With the rise of online shoppingAbout 30% of Taiwan's customers have gone from TV to other channels to buy goods.

However, instead of going down, Taiwan's shopping TV channels have regrouped to meet the challenges.

The secret is that Taiwan's TV shopping channel has developed into a diversified system, focusing on the development of goods and members, covering both online and offline, especially.Pay attention to offline storesConstruction, pay attention to mining vertical segmentation of business opportunities.

According to media reports and data, the "Eastern Shopping" channel in Taiwan has developed rapidly in recent years, and it is the most influential TV shopping channel in Taiwan. Take its column "ETtoday Pet Cloud" as an example, in addition to online media, as well as television presentation, but also pay attention to offline physical retail. Early 2019The physical store has rapidly expanded from 13 to 92, covering 15 counties and cities in Taiwan.

In addition, "Eastern Shopping" also introduces a variety of ways to play. For example, the channel is also specially launched"Dongsen coinIt led to an increase of 19% in the number of Dongsen shopping orders and 33% in turnover. Last month, the number of VIP members reached 419000, an annual increase of 19%, a five-year high.

There are reports thatThe network revenue of Taiwan's Dongsen Shopping Channel is about 1.5 billion yuan, an annual increase of 55%.

In addition, most of Taiwan's TV shopping has already got rid of the sense of "variety"-exaggeration, nonsense and other styles.Return to Commodity essence and Commodity differentiation

Compared with mayors and county magistrates of some provinces on the mainland who go to Douyin and other platforms to help farmers, some mayors and county magistrates in Taiwan go to television shopping channels to help sell unsalable agricultural products or food.

For example, some time ago, Lu Xiuyan, mayor of Taichung City, walked into a shopping channel in Taiwan and sold more than 400000 yuan of agricultural products in 40 minutes. From the official to the private in Taiwan, people have a high degree of recognition of TV shopping.

TV shopping will not disappear in a short period of time, and it will not be easily replaced by live streaming or e-commerce, at least for Taiwan. after all,TV shopping can clearly express the requirements of goods through complete visual performance.In addition, commodity differentiation and diversified consumer members can not be replaced by e-commerce or live broadcast platform in a short time.


How big is the TV shopping industry in China?

According to the Research report on Market prospects and Investment opportunities of China's TV Shopping Industry from 2018 to 2023 released by the China Business Industry Research Institute in 2018, a total of 34 enterprises across the country were licensed for TV shopping in 2017. the sales of these 34 enterprises reached 36.3 billion yuan, a slight decrease of 0.8% from the same period last year.


The size of this industry can be simply compared with Tmall's "Singles Day" day sales.

Tmall's "Singles Day" transaction volume in 2017 was 168.2 billion yuan, reaching national TV property sales in only 16 minutes and 10 seconds. By 2019, Tmall's "Singles Day" transaction volume reached 268.4 billion yuan, but the sales volume of TV shopping that year was only 31.3 billion yuan, accounting for 11.7 percent.

The industry plate is not large, and the leading companies in the industry are also facing considerable business challenges.

As the first A-share listing of TV shopping channel, "Happy Buy" was renamed "Mango Supermedium" in 2018. According to the 2018 annual report, the total revenue of each business of Mango Supermedia increased by 16.8% compared with the same period last year, but the revenue of the media retail business decreased by 29.74%, which was the main business of "Happy purchase" before the restructuring of Mango Supermedia.

By 2019, Mango Supermedia's "media retail business" revenue grew by only 0.87% year-on-year, accounting for 16.06% of total revenue, down from 20.6% in 2018. It is an indisputable fact that TV shopping and related income are in decline.


In contrast, with the blessing of head anchors such as Li Jiaqi and Weiya, the share prices of some listed companies have gone red by virtue of the gimmick of "live concept stocks". On May 11 this year, Mengjie shares signed a cooperation agreement with Weiya, and the stock price immediately ushered in 8 trading limits the next day.

It can be said that times have changed, what else can TV shopping do, it is worth paying attention to, but it seems that there is no need to hold such a great sense of expectation.

(Yang Fan, Dali Geda and Lin Associate are aliases)

(disclaimer: this article only represents the author's point of view, not Sina's position. )

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