

Hong Kong stocks are becoming so popular, let's take a look at the subscription process and techniques

富途资讯 ·  Aug 31, 2020 17:51  · 富途财学堂

3 minutes a day

Accompany you to make money in Hong Kong stock market!


Hello, everyone, I am the representative of Niuniu class!

Today is a series of courses "20 lectures on Hong Kong Stock Investment".

Lecture 8 "Hong Kong stocks are so popular, come and take a look at the purchase process and skills."

Niu friends, please pick up the small bench and come to class together.


The innovation of Hong Kong stocks is becoming more and more popular, and it has become one of the ways for many investors to make money.

With this year's listing$RITAMIX (01936.HK) $For example, on the first day of listing, the companyAn increase of 176%The highest increase for the day was 198%. Based on the calculation of HK $2400 per hand, the maximum profit of each hand on the first day of listing is HK $4752.

To make matters worse, the success rate of the stock is 30.01%, that is, on average, at least 30 people win for every 100 people who apply for new shares.

Well, the representative of today's class will tell you about the new process and tips for Hong Kong stocks.

I. the new purchase application process for Hong Kong stocks

The innovation process of Hong Kong stocks usually includes the following steps:

1. Securities firms open accountsHong Kong Stock Connect does not support Hong Kong stock market innovation. Investors who want to participate in Hong Kong stock market innovation need to open Hong Kong stock accounts.

Note: you can open an account online through Futu Niuniu App, which is convenient and fast!

2. Transfer fundsIt is best to have a Hong Kong bank card for deposit. Generally, HK $10, 000 to HK $20, 000 can meet the minimum subscription threshold for most new shares.

3. Subscribe for new sharesThe subscription period for new shares in Hong Kong is generally 4 to 7 days, mainly in cash, and some stocks support margin subscription.

4. Inquiry of winning lotteryThe results of the placement of new shares are generally announced on the trading day before listing.

5. Go public and sellUsers can sell in the dark market (16:15-18:30 on the trading day before listing) and after listing.

II. The difference between Hong Kong shares and A shares


Drawing: Fu Tu Information

Third, play new tricks

1. Financing can be used to further improve the winning rate

If you want to further improve the new success rate, you can apply for financing, banks and securities firms generally provide financing services to investors.

2. Pay attention to the cornerstone investors and sponsors of new shares

Cornerstone investorIt mainly refers to the first-class institutional investors, large enterprise groups, as well as well-known tycoons or their affiliated enterprises, which can endorse the underlying listing. Cornerstone investors generally subscribe for a larger share of new shares in an international placement and need to promise to lock up for six to 12 months after listing, which is also publicly disclosed in the prospectus.As a result, the share prices of listed companies that can be recognized and invested by cornerstone investors usually do not perform badly.

$Ojai Vision Biology-B (01477.HK) $For example, in the details page of the stock of Futuo Niuniu App, click any cornerstone investor to view the listing of its historical projects.


Data source: Futu Niuniu

SponsorTo put it simply, it is the recommender and guarantor of the listed company. As sponsors advance and retreat together with them in the process of listing and share legal liability, sponsors naturally prefer companies with good performance in order to reduce risk.

In the process of innovation, we can also refer to the sponsor's historical performance to judge whether to invest or not.

Still with$Ojai Vision Biology-B (01477.HK) $For example, click on any sponsor in the stock details page to enter the sponsor details page to browse the listing of the sponsor company in the past.


Data source: Futu Niuniu

3. New shares with "green shoe mechanism" are less likely to lose money.

Green shoes mechanismTo put it simply, it is a "disk protection mechanism". The mode of operation is that market stabilizers can boldly buy the company's shares at a price lower than IPO, because they can then return the stock to the company at the price of IPO for arbitrage, thus artificially creating buying, driving up the stock price, and achieving the effect of "protecting the market".

Such being the case, the probability of the company breaking will be reduced, and the profit probability of new investors will be higher.

4. Look at the fundamentals and decide to sell or on the first day of listing.

The dark disk is relative to the open disk. The open offer refers to Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing's formal and open quotation system and the stock trading system in which all qualified investors can participate.Dark market trading is not through the exchange system, but through the internal system set up by some large brokerages themselves.

In essence,The dark market is the advance trading of stocks.Whether investors are used to lock in gains or stop losses in advance, or new shares do not win the lottery and want to re-enter the market, they can use the dark market to achieve the purpose of investment, which is of great significance.

Typically, companies with good fundamentals attract large purchases from institutional investors, triggering a rise in share prices. However, because the dark market is the day of internal trading by investors of various brokerages, the liquidity is relatively poor, and the cost of large purchases on the dark day will be higher, coupled with the fact that there is only one trading day between the dark market and the first day of listing. Institutional investors will be more likely to buy on the first day of listing.

As a result, companies with good fundamentals usually have higher share prices on their first day of trading than in the dark market.Conversely, companies with poor fundamentals usually have lower share prices on their first day of trading than in the dark market. Corresponding to the trading strategy, it is recommended that companies with good fundamentals sell on the first day of listing, while companies with poor fundamentals sell during the dark market.

Add: video of Finance School"what is dark trading?"

5. Financing subscription multiple

The financing subscription multiple refers to the ratio of the financing purchase amount to the amount to be issued when new shares are issued. The higher the multiple reflects the market's recognition of the company and the higher the degree of capital pursuit, the greater the probability that the stock will rise.

There are also some concepts such as "margin exhibition", "Group An and B", "callback mechanism", "head mallet" and so on. You can click the link.Margin exhibition, Group An and B, callback, head mallet. About those things about the Hong Kong stock market.For a detailed introduction!

In addition, Futu Cai School has also developedSpecialize in new coursesOhh! Click on the picture below to start learning!

And the two doors that just went online.Aim at the Hong Kong stock marketLesson of:

The viewing method of the course of Finance School is: Futu Niuniu APP-- bullpen-classroom-all courses (choose your favorite course)


The above is the relevant content of Hong Kong stocks playing new!

If you want to further improve the new rate of return, the key is to understand the fundamentals of the company!

After all, the root cause of investment return isThe realization of investors' perception of the market


That's all for today's sharing!

Welcome to the message area for interaction!

The class representative will select 8 participants in the discussion area and give 188 Niuniu points!


Lecture 9 tomorrow: "Lucky is out of the market, but some people make a lot of money just because they use it skillfully."Short sellingMechanism! "waiting for you!

Don't break up until we see you!

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