
政府:放寬酒吧、電影院及娛樂場所等入座人數限制至八成 7月3日起生效

即市頭條 ·  Jun 30, 2020 17:05

THE GOVERNMENT ANNOUNCED THE CONTINUATION OF MEASURES TO REDUCE SOCIAL CONTACT IN CATERING BUSINESSES, LISTED OFFICES AND PUBLIC PLACES, AND CONTINUED IMPLEMENTATION OF IMMIGRATION CONTROL MEASURES. A spokesman for the Food and Health Administration said that it is now in the “easing” phase under a relatively lax anti-epidemic strategy. In view of the latest public health risk assessment, it is now possible to further relax measures to reduce social contacts to further restore economic and social activity.

The Government will relax restrictions on catering businesses and the number of people in listed establishments and relax the number of customers in bars/pubs, increasing the number of seats normally covered by the premises to 8% from the usual number of seats in the premises and premises. Large-scale entertainment gaming stations and gaming machines in public entertainment venues will be relaxed. Or the restriction on the number of people in facilities, cinemas or all public entertainment venues with live performances, as well as in clubs or nightclubs, will be increased from one-half of the capacity to 8%, while other rules and restrictions remain.

For group gathering requirements, the number of people gathering in public places is limited to 50 persons, and group gatherings in public places shall continue to be prohibited for the 14 days referred to in the following paragraph, except for exempted persons. Under the exempted group gathering, the restriction on the number of participants in group gatherings in religious activities is increased from less than one-half of the number normally accommodated as a place of worship, provided that the venue for the event is a place of construction or habitually used as a place of worship, and the event There is no food or drink available. The two updated guidelines will be effective from 3 July and will run from 14 to 16 July 2020.

In the area of immigration control, the Government has already amended the Mandatory Quarantine Regulation for Certain Persons Entering Hong Kong (Cap. 599C) to introduce a mechanism to the Secretary for Food and Health to specify that persons arriving from designated areas of Category 1 must undergo mandatory quarantine and that persons arriving from designated areas of Category 2 may be subject to mandatory quarantine. Mandatory quarantine is not required under relevant conditions, such as a negative COVID-19 test result. The Government is maintaining close communication with the relevant departments of the Government of Guangdong Province and Macao SAR on mutual recognition testing and immunization within the framework of joint liaison work, and considering a limited easing of the flow of people to Guangdong or Hong Kong in the context of the pandemic authorisation to facilitate the need to travel to Hong Kong or Hong Kong.

A spokesman for the Food and Health Administration noted that many overseas countries have rebounded after the easing of measures to reduce social contact, recorded a large number of new cases and the need to implement these measures again. Therefore, we will continue to keep a close eye on the development of the epidemic and review the relevant measures implemented from time to time in order to make appropriate adjustments taking into account all relevant factors. (he/a) ~

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