
安泓投資:本地REITs受疫情影響較少 料未來有更多類型信託

Anhong Investment: Local REITs less affected by pandemic, more types of trusts expected in the future

即市頭條 ·  Jun 17, 2020 10:17

After a radio programme, Chief Investment Officer of Anhong Investment, Mr Yang, said that it is good for the SFC to amend the investment restrictions in REITs, including the ability to purchase minority shareholdings in a whole block and use not more than 25% of NAV for development projects, believing it could increase the investment of REITs Project numbers to enhance the attractiveness of assets.

He said that despite the recent downturn in the retail market, REITs in Hong Kong are mainly dominated by Minsheng shopping malls. Unless the epidemic continues, the impact of online shopping is another factor affecting people's livelihood shopping malls.

He added that there is a buffer for landlords due to an average of three years and the annual renewal volume is about one-third. However, there are more asset type trusts other than real estate, such as data centers, towers, logistics, etc., which are the future direction and give investors more opportunities to choose beyond traditional income shares.

He said that the recent number of shares reduced dividend or even no dividend, giving investors more incentives to reITs market. Funds also have a positive inflow in recent months, especially in March. Amendments to MPF can purchase more REITs are also welcomed to provide a stable cash income for retirees. (ic/u) ~

ASDAK Financial News


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