

格隆汇 ·  Jun 12, 2020 18:39

On June 12, Gelonghui Co., Ltd. (601311.SH) announced that Hubei Camel Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. was jointly invested and established by the company and Tuofeng Investment in May 2015, and mainly engages in various types of new energy vehicles and equipment leasing business. The company invested 140 million yuan in actual payment and held 70% of the shares in the leasing company, while Tuofeng Investment made an actual investment of 60 million yuan and held 30% of the shares in the leasing company. Tuofeng Investment plans to transfer all of its shares in the leasing company due to its own development plan. In order not to affect the steady operation of the leasing company and group control of the company, Tuofeng Investment plans to use cash to acquire all of the company's shares held by Tuofeng Investment. The transaction amount is RMB 57 million. After the acquisition is completed, the leasing company will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company.

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