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Selling out more than 10 billion dollars of funds in one day and the reappearance of high public and private equity positions sends a signal of optimism

证券时报 ·  Jun 9, 2020 04:55

The launch of the new fund has seen the popular style again. A reporter from the Securities Times learned from the channel that the Southern growth Pioneer, which began to be released on June 8, was very popular in the market, raising a scale of 10 billion yuan, and ending the raising ahead of schedule. This is also another popular style fund since May, reflecting the market's pursuit of high-performing fund managers.

Popular style funds have frequently boosted equity funds to raise more than 150 billion yuan since May, bringing large incremental funds to the market. From the perspective of fund stock positions, public and private fund positions are in a high position, releasing a more positive and optimistic signal.

I also saw that more than 10 billion funds were sold out in one day.

Southern growth Pioneer launched its release yesterday. The reporter learned from the channel that the fund raised more than 8 billion in two hours. At 1: 00 p.m., a brokerage channel said that the fund had issued more than 10 billion yuan. Another source said that 15 billion yuan was raised in the morning, which should exceed 20 billion in the whole day. Around 3: 00 p. M. yesterday, the Southern Fund issued a notice saying that the southern growth pioneer ended its fundraising ahead of schedule. This is also another new fund that has sold out in one day recently.

According to the fund offering documents, the original deadline for raising funds is June 19, and no ceiling has been set.

The proposed fund managers of Southern growth Pioneer are Mao Wei and Wang Bo. Mao Wei is currently the general manager of the Southern Fund Equity Research Department and a member of the domestic Equity Investment decision Committee, and Wang Bo is currently the head of the TMT Research Group of the Southern Fund Equity Research Department. As of June 4, the net value of the Southern Science and Technology Innovation Fund managed by Mao Wei and Wang Bo had risen to 1.8424 yuan since its establishment on May 6 last year, ranking first among the science and innovation-themed funds issued in the same period, according to Galaxy Securities.

A fund company market personage said that the recent market turmoil, the overall fund sales did not improve in a comprehensive way. Many of the recent popular style products are new varieties launched by excellent fund managers, or products issued by companies with brand charisma, and this trend is expected to continue.

It is worth mentioning that some products managed by excellent fund managers will be released in the near future, such as the three-year holding of Yifangda high-quality enterprise managed by Zhang Kun, the selection of Penghua ingenuity managed by Wang Zonghe, and the selection of Huitianfu mid-market value managed by Hu Xinwei.

Popular funds have been released frequently since May.

The market has been volatile since May, but the popularity of new funds has contributed to a steady rise in the size of new funds.

For example, on May 23, Yi Fangda issued the effective announcement of the contract of Yi Fangda balanced growth Stock Fund. The size of the fund was close to 27 billion yuan, making it the largest stock-oriented fund in its initial public offering this year. It is also the fourth largest active equity fund in history after Castrol's strategic growth, Xingquan fit, and Yi Fangda New Silk Road.

For example, the growth value of Penghua managed by Wang Zonghe is close to 6 billion yuan. so far, the total size of funds managed by Wang Zonghe has exceeded 12.5 billion yuan, nearly tripling the management scale of 4.351 billion yuan at the end of last year.

In addition, the Jingshun Great Wall Core preferred one-year holding mixed Fund managed by Yu Guang was announced on May 9, with an initial public offering of 4.164 billion yuan.

With the help of popular style funds, more than 130 billion new equity funds have been issued since May as of June 7. Data show that 84 equity funds were set up from May 1 to June 7, raising a total of 132.897 billion yuan. If you include the southern growth vanguard, which ended ahead of schedule yesterday, the scale will exceed 150 billion yuan. If calculated according to the average position of 60 per cent, the recent issuance of equity funds will bring about 100 billion yuan of incremental funds to the market.

Fund net value change data show that some new funds build positions faster. As of June 5, the net worth of Yi Fangda Consumer Select managed by Xiao Nan has increased by 4.65% in the last half month; the Jingshun Great Wall core, which Yu Guang manages, has increased its net worth by 4.01% in the past week, which is close to the increase of another similar fund he manages, and there is a good chance that the position has been completed.

High positions of public and private equity funds

The position level of the fund can show the fund manager's attitude towards the future. The market has been volatile in the past two weeks, but the positions of public and private funds are still at an all-time high, releasing a more positive and optimistic signal.

Easy Buy Fund data show that in the week from June 1 to June 5, partial stock funds as a whole slightly reduced their positions by 1.56 percentage points to 69.09%, of which equity fund positions fell by 1.17 percentage points and standard mixed fund positions fell by 1.61 percentage points. the current positions are 88.98% and 66.44%, respectively.

In the same period, the top three industries in fund allocation were medicine, food and beverage, electricity and public utilities, with positions of 6.55%, 6.12% and 4.24% respectively. In the allocation of the fund industry, the positions were mainly increased in medicine, machinery and basic chemical industry, with an increase of 1.36%, 1.26% and 1.17%, respectively.

On the whole, the public offering partial stock fund reduced its position slightly, the nominal adjustment was consistent with the active adjustment, and the active adjustment was larger than the nominal adjustment. At present, the overall position of public equity funds is at a historically high level.

The position of private equity also remained high. According to data from the private placement network portfolio master, as of May 29, the stock private placement position index was 73.54%, with a month-on-month increase of 0.42 percentage points, of which 49.87% of the private equity positions exceeded 80%. At present, the overall position of private equity is up 5.27% from the beginning of the year, of which 10 billion private equity has increased its position the most this year, rising 15.02% to 83.82%.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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