

The cumulative number of confirmed cases worldwide has exceeded 7 million and 400,000 deaths! What Zhang Wenhong was worried about finally happened. Continued demonstrations in the US exacerbated the spread of the epidemic...

富途资讯 ·  Jun 8, 2020 07:46  · Trending

Real-time statistics released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States show that as of 10:30 Beijing time on June 8, there were a total of 7006436 confirmed cases and 402699 deaths of COVID-19 worldwide.

Zhang Wenhong: the second wave of the global epidemic is on its way, and its strength may exceed the first wave!

As early as April 3, the number of COVID-19 diagnosed worldwide exceeded 1 million. In this regard, Dr. Zhang Wenhong said in an interview that what he fears most is the emergence of a greater epidemic in places such as India and Africa, which would be a human disaster.

In an interview in Shanghai on June 7, Dr. Zhang Wenhong made the latest judgment on the global COVID-19 epidemic. He stressed that China's prevention and control goal is not to be affected by the second wave of the global epidemic. As for the worst epidemic in the United States, "after they returned to work and production, the epidemic in many states began to show signs of rebounding." Iran, including in the Middle East, is also rebounding. Zhang Wenhong believes that at first glance, the global epidemic is "always moving forward," and the rebound is even stronger than the first wave. In the face of imported risks and pressures, China's goal is not to be affected by the second wave of the global epidemic.

A total of 257506 cases have been confirmed in India, with a sharp increase in infection cases in rural areas.

According to the latest data released on the official website of the Ministry of Health of India, as of the morning of June 7 local time, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in India has risen to 246628, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases has surpassed Spain and ranks fifth in the world. In the past 24 hours, there were 9971 new confirmed cases in India, the largest increase in a single day; 287 new deaths and a total of 6929 deaths.

There has been a surge in infections in rural areas after tens of thousands of migrant workers were forced to go home because of unemployment after India announced a sudden closure in late March, the Associated Press reported. The spread of the epidemic comes as the Indian government is gradually relaxing the national blockade imposed in March. Shopping malls, religious sites, restaurants and offices in the country will reopen from June 8. In order to boost its economy, India will press ahead with reforms as well as fiscal stimulus. However, India Today reported that the high number of new cases has caused concern among some health experts. They think it may take a month or more for India to reach its peak.

The number of confirmed cases is the second in the world. The Brazilian Ministry of Health no longer publishes the total number of cases.

According to the latest survey data released by Brazil's Globe on the evening of June 7, there were 18410 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in a single day, with a total of 691256 confirmed cases, 533 new deaths and a total of 36463 deaths.

On the 6th, Brazilian President Bosonaro announced that the statistics and release of daily data related to the COVID-19 epidemic in Brazil will be changed. The Brazilian Ministry of Health will no longer publish the total number of confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19 in various states and across the country, and will no longer report the number of suspected deaths under investigation, the total number of cured cases, and the total number of patients under treatment, and will no longer show an increase or decrease in confirmed cases and deaths. Only the number of new confirmed, dead and cured cases within 24 hours will be released.

The epidemic information website set up by the Brazilian government, which originally recorded data from Brazilian states and cities since the outbreak, was updated on June 6 to show only some of the data, most of which were deleted.

The Brazilian Ministry of Health does not release complete data on the epidemic, causing criticism and dissatisfaction from all walks of life. On the same day, some people have turned to the judiciary for help, demanding that the diagnosis of the epidemic and the total number of deaths be resumed as soon as possible. Brazilian House Speaker Maya said on the same day that if the government still does not release complete data, Congress will establish a system to provide timely information on the epidemic to the community.

A total of 1931850 cases have been confirmed in the United States, and the number of new cases in Arizona has doubled compared with last week.

According to epidemic data released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, there have been 1940468 confirmed cases and 110503 deaths in the United States as of 10:30 Beijing time on June 8. Compared with the previous day's data, there were 22773 new confirmed cases and 644 new deaths in the United States.

Continuous protests and demonstrations across the United States have exacerbated the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Texas and Vermont have seen the largest increase in new confirmed cases since the outbreak in the past four days. This week, more than 10, 000 new cases were confirmed in Texas and 5055 in Arizona, twice as many as last week.

On June 6, local time, the mayor's office of Atlanta announced that the city of Atlanta would cancel the night travel ban on the same night after a week of continuous enforcement of the night travel ban. During the daytime on the 6th, the city of Atlanta will provide free novel coronavirus testing services for demonstrators participating in the protests.

A total of 234998 cases were confirmed in Italy, and the spread of the virus slowed down after the relaxation of restrictions.

According to data released by the Italian Civil Protection Department, as of 18:00 local time on June 7, there were 197 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Italy, with a total of 234998 confirmed cases, 53 new deaths and 33899 deaths.

According to a report released by the Italian Ministry of Health on the 6th, the number of basic infections of the virus in 20 regions of Italy from May 25 to 31 was less than 1, which means that the rate of spread of the virus in Italy has slowed down since the relaxation of restrictions began on May 4. The report also reminds people to strictly abide by regulations on personal hygiene and maintaining social distance to reduce the risk of virus transmission.

A total of 241550 cases have been confirmed in Spain, allowing foreign tourists to enter the country since July 1.

According to news released by the Spanish Ministry of Health on the 7th, the total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Spain reached 241550, with 27136 new confirmed cases in 24 hours, 27136 deaths nationwide and 72 new deaths in 7 days.

Spanish health authorities said Friday that the COVID-19 epidemic in the country is basically under control, with a low number of new infections and patients in intensive care, and large-scale testing is being carried out in the country, the German news agency reported on June 5. Fernando Simon, director of the Emergency and early warning Coordination Center of the Spanish Ministry of Health, said that a major challenge now is to ensure that cases are not imported from abroad and that Spain will allow foreigners to enter the country from July 1.

Iran has a total of 171789 confirmed cases. Iranian President: no choice but to open up.

According to Iranian media reports, the Ministry of Health of Iran announced on June 7 that the country had 2364 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, a total of 171789 confirmed cases, and 72 new deaths, bringing the total number of deaths to 8281.

According to Iran's official news agency Itong News Agency on the 5th, the municipal government of the capital Tehran and Iranian student opinion polls conducted the sixth poll since the COVID-19 epidemic broke out. The results show that the greatest impact of the epidemic on people's lives lies in the increase in mental problems such as anxiety, the deterioration of economic conditions and changes in social relationships.

The Daily Mail of Britain reported on June 5 that after Iran relaxed the blockade, the number of COVID-19 infection soared again, becoming the country with the second major outbreak after the relaxation of the blockade. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on the 6th that a wedding led to a new surge in the number of people infected with novel coronavirus in the country, but he did not say when and where the wedding took place. Despite warnings of a second outbreak, Iran has no choice but to keep its economy open, Rouhani said.

A total of 185750 cases were confirmed in Germany, and the epidemic repeatedly led to the "re-sealing" of Gottingen.

According to real-time data from Johns Hopkins University, there were a total of 185750 confirmed cases in Germany as of 10:30 Beijing time on June 8, 300 more than yesterday. There were 12 new deaths and a total of 8685 deaths.

Affected by the confirmed infection of more than 100 people, the German city of Gottingen resumed a number of strict epidemic prevention measures on the 4th, including the closure of schools, the suspension of sports events, and so on, and will carry out large-scale COVID-19 testing. German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed concern on the same day that many people in the country no longer seriously abide by the rules of health and epidemic prevention under the epidemic. She reminded the public that it is still necessary to continue to comply with epidemic prevention requirements until specific drugs and vaccines are available.

The Palace of Versailles in France reopened 82 days after it was closed

According to data released by the French Public Health Bureau on June 7, local time, as of the same day, there were 153977 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in France, an increase of 343 over the previous day, and a total of 29155 deaths were reported, an increase of 13 over the previous day.

The Palace of Versailles in France, affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, reopened to tourists on the 6th after being closed for 82 days. In order to prevent and control the epidemic, the park has also formulated various measures to ensure the health and safety of tourists. The French Culture Minister said that the government will provide corresponding support to the Palace of Versailles. In order to ensure the effective prevention and control of the epidemic, the park has designed a single-direction tour route for tourists to avoid tourists going opposite each other during the tour. The park also stipulates that all tourists over the age of 11 must wear masks after entering the palace.

Thousands of people demonstrated in the rain under the British blockade.

According to the Department of Health and Social Security, as of 9: 00 local time on June 7, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the UK had reached 286194, an increase of 1326 in a single day, and 40542 deaths and 77 new cases in a single day.

Another large-scale demonstration against racism was held in London on June 6, local time, in support of George Freud, an African-American man who was killed by violent law enforcement by white American police. Britain is still in a state of epidemic blockade, allowing only outdoor gatherings of less than six people. Despite the government's advice to avoid large-scale gatherings to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus, thousands braved the rain to march to Parliament Square in central London to protest against racism and police brutality in the United States. In addition, demonstrations against racial discrimination will be held in many cities across the UK this weekend.

A total of 170132 cases have been confirmed in Turkey, and 53 airports have been certified for airworthiness.

On the evening of June 7, local time, data updated on the website of the Turkish Ministry of Health showed that Turkey had a total of 170132 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 23 new cases of fatal diseases and 4692 deaths.

Turkish Transport Minister Karaismayolu announced on June 5 local time that so far, 53 Turkish airports have obtained "airworthiness" certification, proving that they have taken all necessary prevention and control measures. According to local media reports, in addition to regular disinfection, airports certified for airworthiness will also set up temperature measurement points at the entrance and draw a "social distance line" on the airport ground to ensure a distance of 1.5 meters between passengers; passengers check online as much as possible before boarding, self-printing boarding passes and self-checked luggage, so as to minimize contact between passengers and staff.

A total of 467673 cases have been confirmed in Russia, and the epidemic in Moscow has stabilized.

According to a report by the Russian COVID-19 epidemic Prevention and Control headquarters on June 7, 8984 new cases were confirmed by COVID-19 in 84 regions in Russia in the past day and night. So far, the total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Russia has reached 467673, and the number of new cases discharged from hospital on the same day has reached 5343, with a total of 226731, with a total of 5859 deaths. According to the notification, there were no clinical symptoms in these new cases (38.5%).

Moscow, the Russian capital, is the epicenter of the Russian epidemic, with 1956 new confirmed cases in the past day and night, bringing the total to 195017. At the same time, the number of people discharged from Moscow reached 2283 in the past day and night, bringing the number of patients discharged from Moscow to 102714, with 55 new deaths and a total of 2919.

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