
妙可蓝多(600882.SH):渤海华美八期部分合伙人退伙 新增合伙人深圳普泰

Wonder Landuo (600882.SH): Some partners of Bohai Huamei Phase 8 resigned and added new partners, Shenzhen Putai

格隆汇 ·  Jun 5, 2020 19:38

Gelonhui, June 5, 丨 Mioko Landuo (600882.SH) announced that recently, “China Aviation Trust · Tianqi (2017)” represented by all partners of the Bohai Huamei Phase VIII (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) (“Bohai Huamei Phase VIII”), Bohai Huamei VIII General Partner and Executive Partner Bohai Huamei Ruila (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. (“Bohai Huamirilla”) and limited partner China Aviation Trust Co., Ltd. Consumer Upgrading Industry M&A Fund Project Pooled Fund Trust Plan” ( (hereinafter referred to as “China Aviation Trust”) withdrew from the Bohai Huamei Phase VIII partnership. Shenzhen Putai Investment and Development Co., Ltd. (“Shenzhen Putai”) joined the partnership as a general partner of the partnership, changed the name of the partnership to “Shanghai Yao Xiang Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership)” (hereinafter referred to as “Shanghai Yaoxiang”), and made Shenzhen Putai the executive partner of Shanghai Yao Xiang.

Based on this, the company plans to make a “written resolution of the partner meeting” with Jilin Lianxiang Fire Information Engineering Co., Ltd., Jilin Yaohe Trading Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen PutaiThe “Shanghai Xiangmin Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) Limited Partnership Agreement” was signed, and a full set of relevant documents required for fund filing and registration was signed based on this.

The new partner of the M&A fund, Shenzhen Putai Investment and Development Co., Ltd. was established on January 15, 2013. China Aviation Trust Co., Ltd. holds 100% of the shares. The actual controller is the State Council's State-owned Assets Administration Commission. Wang Xu, the legal representative, executive director and general manager, has completed registration with the Fund Industry Association.

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