

Xiang Songzuo: What are Mr. Ren Zhengfei's real concerns?

首席商业评论 ·  May 22, 2020 21:34

The article comes from the chief business review.

Sitting at my desk, I read Mr. Ren Zhengfei's long interview on May 21 last year. More than 20,000 words, frank and calm, comprehensive and profound, majestic, touching.

As I read it, I suddenly looked up to the sky and sighed, and sadness came from it. Whoo-hoo! Mr. Ren Zhengfei's seemingly magnanimous and leisurely words are really full of deep tragedy and deep anxiety. What Mr. Ren Zhengfei is talking about seems to be Huawei, but what he is worried about is actually China. On the surface, his concern seems to be how Huawei will deal with the current difficulties, but in fact, what he is worried about at the bottom of his heart are the country's basic education, talent training, scientific creation, scientific and technological innovation, opening up to the outside world, and global talent competition.

Those who know me say I am worried, and those who do not know me say what I want!

Please allow me to quote Mr. Ren Zhengfei's interview in detail to confirm that the above statement is true.

1. Talent is the most important thing for the rejuvenation and prosperity of any country and nation.

Ren Zhengfei said:"I tell two stories, Germany and Japan during World War II. Because Germany did not surrender, it was finally bombed to the ground, with the exception of Yalta, which was left to prepare for the meeting. Japan was also strongly bombed, and if it did not surrender, the US military would have to be completely flattened. In the end, Japan adopted the method of compromise to retain the emperor and Japan surrendered, which was not completely destroyed, but a large number of industrial bases were destroyed. At that time, there was a famous slogan, "there is nothing left, as long as people are still there, we can regain our heroic style." it was not long before Germany was revitalized, and all the houses were restored as before. Japan's economy is also recovering rapidly, thanks to their talent, their education, and their foundation, which is most important. All things that have been lost and cannot be lost are "people". People's quality, skills and confidence are very important. "

2. There is still a big gap between us and the United States in science and technology, and the depth and breadth of science and technology in the United States are worth learning from.

Ren Zhengfei said: "first of all, we have to make sure that the depth and breadth of science and technology in the United States are worth learning, and we still have a lot of deficiencies, especially the products of some small companies in the United States are super cutting-edge. We just focus on our own industry and get where we are now, not at the national level of the United States. We think there is not much gap between our company and individual enterprises, but there is still a big gap between our country as a whole and the United States. "

3. The huge gap between China and the United States in science and technology is directly related to the bubble of our economy and our inability to do practical knowledge.

Ren Zhengfei said:"this has a lot to do with our economic bubble in recent years, P2P, Internet, finance, real estate, fake goods. And so on, the bubble makes people's academic thinking also bubble. It will take decades for a basic theory to form. If everyone does not take the theory seriously and shouts slogans, we will not be stronger in a few decades. Therefore, we still have to learn in a down-to-earth manner. "

4. to engage in the chip and electronics industry, we can't just spend money, but also mathematicians, physicists, chemists and so on.

Ren Zhengfei said:"I think there are two sides to this matter. on the one hand, we will be affected, and on the other hand, it will stimulate the systematic and down-to-earth development of China's electronics industry. In the past, the policy of the country in developing industry was to spend money, but it did not work. We build bridges, roads and houses in our country. I'm used to it. All I have to do is throw money. But you can't spend money on chips, you have to hit mathematicians, physicists, chemists... , "

5. Ren Zhengfei's deepest worry: how many of us still study hard?

Ren Zhengfei questioned:"but how many of us are studying hard? How many insights are there in the doctoral thesis? "

I call it "the question of Ren Zhengfei", which is the same question as "the question of Xu Kuangdi" and "the question of Qian Xuesen".

6. China should comprehensively reform and improve its policies, boldly attract global talents and engage in transnational innovation.

Ren Zhengfei said:"under such circumstances, it is very difficult to succeed by relying entirely on China's independent innovation. Why not innovate across borders? Innovation bases can be established in many countries. We can go wherever we can, and we can build a research institute there. "

Of course, China has now returned a lot of talent, which is very important. However, the personal income tax in China is much higher than that in foreign countries. If you come to China and pay so much tax, the spirit of "Lei Feng" is not sustainable. Lei Feng dedicates everything to the state and to the Party. However, after all, these top experts returned to China from foreign countries, not only without preferential treatment, but also with much higher taxes. Recently, I heard that the Great Bay area can be reduced to 15%. What are the implementation measures? Do you want to have a hukou in the Greater Bay area? do you want to have a job in the Greater Bay area? Not in another place. What's the use of this policy? Scientists themselves are mobile. They only work here for eight hours. Are they still scientists? We need to create some ways for foreign scientists to return home.

7. China should adjust its policies and embrace the world

Ren Zhengfei said:The first major transfer of talent in the world was the transfer of 3 million Jews from the Soviet Union to Israel, which became a scientific and technological highland.

Now, the second major transfer of talent has come again. The United States is now exclusive of foreigners, and a large number of talents are unable to enter confidential research. The famous American media wrote an article asking the United States, "if China invents anti-cancer drugs, will it also endanger national security?" the American Cancer Center has dismissed three Chinese scientists. does the cancer drug invented by the Chinese also endanger national security?. He asked the United States.

Many scientists have lost confidence in their work in the United States. Why not hug them in? They asked, "how do I get in? It is difficult for children to go to school, they cannot buy a car without a hukou, and they have to pay high taxes.

We should adjust our policies and embrace the world.

Two hundred years ago, the United States was the barren land of the Indians, that is, the policy was right, and today it is the overlord of the world. With five thousand years of civilization and such a good foundation, our country should come up with a policy to embrace world talents to start a business in China.

You have to think that Eastern European countries are relatively poor, but a large number of leaders, scientists and financiers in the United States. They are all from Eastern Europe. Why don't we attract Eastern Europeans to China on a large scale, or set up various research bases in Eastern Europe?

8. China should be down-to-earth in mathematics, physics, chemistry, neurology, and brain science. If we strive to change in all aspects, we may be able to stand up in this world.

Ren Zhengfei said:To establish a theoretical base with China as the center, it is difficult to break through the tight encirclement of the United States, because China is not enough in basic theory, and it has been better these years.

I once talked about the importance of mathematics at the National Science Conference. I heard that math graduates are easier to distribute now. How many of us are willing to study math?

I don't study math. I once said that when I retire, I want to find a good university and study math. The headmaster asked me, "Why are you studying math?" I said, I want to study the second law of thermodynamics. He asked, what is the research used for? I said, I want to study the origin of the universe. He said, I welcome you very much! But I can't retire yet. I can't go yet. We were engineering students at that time, studying advanced mathematics, the shallowest mathematics.

China should be down-to-earth in mathematics, physics, chemistry, neurology, and brain science. If we strive to change in all aspects, we may be able to stand up in this world.

The philosophical system of China in the past was metaphysics. Even if there was Buddhism, it was also Sanskrit. Tang monks should be translated into Chinese, but not translated. The West promotes metaphysics and mechanical materialism, resulting in physics, chemistry, mathematics and geometry. Various disciplines, so the industry developed, established an industrial society, and occupied the whole world.

9. If independent innovation is still emphasized, a lot of precious time will be wasted.

Ren Zhengfei said:About 50% of human scientists in artificial intelligence are Chinese, and if they are excluded and embrace them into China, they will innovate on the underlying platform, providing us with a foundation.

I think that if we can really bring in outstanding talents, it will be good for our reform. If we still emphasize independent innovation, a lot of valuable time will be wasted.

10. Never incite populist sentiment. Populism is harmful to the country.

Ren Zhengfei said:It can not be said that the use of Huawei products is patriotic, if not, it is unpatriotic. Huawei products are just commodities, use them if you like them, don't use them if you don't like them, and don't associate them with politics.

After all, Huawei is a commercial company, and we have never said such things as "winning glory for our country" on the billboard. It's just that the recent oath college will sometimes shout a few words, but we will immediately issue documents to stop them from shouting slogans. There is no problem for everyone to have a victory party and give out medals, and it is okay to say a few words after dinner, but we must not fan the wind of populism.

I often cite some examples, in fact, I just want to throw cold water on Huawei and cannot use populism, which is harmful to the country.

11. The future of the country is opening up.

Ren Zhengfei said:Because the future of the country is "open". After the Sino-US talks, CCTV said, "We want to open up and reform." I am so glad.

As a matter of fact, we are still too late for opening up and reform. WTO has made promises to others, and we will fulfill them when we get the benefits. If we had realized it earlier and made some contributions, we would have been able to unite more friends.

China has too much money, why only save in the United States, not some to Europe, Russia, Africa …... Countries? If we are worried that they will not pay back, they are mortgaged on the credit of the state. If they do not return it this year, they will do so in a hundred years' time, will it not? China is not in a hurry for money, which spreads the risk.

Why do you have to buy one for agricultural products? If you can buy Ukrainian agricultural products, Ukraine will not be so difficult. Ukraine is the "granary" of Russian heavy weapons, can we also buy heavy weapons "grain" when buying food and grain?

Do we have to be self-reliant on our heavy weapons? You don't have to. Just win. You can take a look at Shoigu's commander-in-chief's report, a short report, which is very well written.

Huawei attaches great importance to supporting scientists and applies the principle of the famous "Baidu Act" in the United States.

Ren Zhengfei:We have 26 R & D centers around the world, with more than 700 mathematicians, more than 800 physicists and more than 120 chemists.

We also have a strategic research institute that holds a large amount of money and sprinkles pepper on famous professors of famous universities all over the world. We have no concept of investment return on this money, but use the principle of the Baidu Act of the United States, that is to say, it is the university that benefits. In this way, there are more scientists extending from our trumpet mouth.

The 13G and 5G standard comes from a mathematical paper by a Turkish scientist.

Today we are talking about how powerful the 5G standard is to human society, and how can we think that the 5G standard originated from a mathematics paper written by Professor Arikan in Turkey more than a decade ago?

Professor Arikan published this paper two months later, we discovered, we began to focus on this paper as the center of various patents, step by step study of disintegration, a total of thousands of people.

In ten years, we have turned Turkish math papers into techniques and standards. Our number of 5G basic patents accounts for about 27% of the world, ranking first.

The Turkish professor is not an employee of Huawei, but we take the money to support his laboratory, he can recruit more doctoral students, and we provide help to doctoral students. We support a university professor in Japan. All four of his doctoral students come to work in our company, the place of work is in his office, and he can recruit four more doctoral students, which is equivalent to eight doctorates to help him do his research. All papers belong to him, not to us. If we want to use his things, we need commercial transactions, this is the principle of the Baidu Act in the United States, and we extend more scientists through such a "trumpet".

We held the World Congress of scientists last week. I didn't go to the scene and broadcast it to my conference room by video. A group of young scientists have come to do technical translations for me, all doctorates, very powerful, and they have explained to me what these papers mean to human society in the future. We constantly have this kind of worldwide communication, we absorb the energy ourselves, and they also absorb our needs and keep rolling.

14. Western companies take a longer view than we do in the competition for talent.

Ren Zhengfei said:In the competition for talent, Western companies find that you are a talent in the long run than we do, so they go to their company for internship and specially train you. This is not our concept of looking for a job after graduating from university.

We have expanded the window of opportunity to compete with American companies for talent, but we are not strong enough. For outstanding college students from all over the world, we send them offer from sophomore year.

These kids are super smart. For example, the University of Novosibirsk won the champion and runner-up in the world computer competition for six years in a row, but all the champions and runners-up were poached by Google with five or six times the salary.

Starting from this year, we will offer higher salaries than Google to poach them, innovate in the Russian land, and we will compete with Google for talent.

We support the innovation of scientists, scientists do not require the pursuit of success, failure is also success, because they have trained talents. Only in this way can we keep moving forward.

15. Basic science, especially mathematics, is of extreme importance.

Ren Zhengfei:For example, the photo of the P30 phone is math.

The current image is not taken, it is calculated mathematically. Because the human eye is equivalent to 100 million lenses, the camera has only one lens, and the photosensitive point that our mobile phones enter through one lens is mathematically decomposed into tens of millions of visual lenses, and then restored.

The slogan of mathematicians in our company is "make mobile phones better than human eyes". I have criticized them in my speech at the company. I don't think it is necessary, but they are stubborn and have no way. They say, "if the mobile phone shines on the moon, it can shine for a thousand kilometers." it may be true because it is mathematics, which can restore the weak signal.

When I met them at the Nice Institute in France, I said, "the sea in Nice is blue and the sky is blue. Why is the mathematician's formula blue?" "the original blue tone of the image seems to have been corrected. The reason why mobile phones have made such rapid progress is due to our strategic "spare tire". Because the strategic spare tire established by our network is useless, it is allocated to the terminal.

The terminal is like a fish in water, changing the generation every three months, mainly due to the contribution of mathematicians and, of course, the tricolor sensors of light made by physicists.

Therefore, if the electronics industry still stays in buying other people's parts to assemble, it is impossible. Of course, they also have math, but the math is done by other companies and sold to them with extra money in the parts. In this respect, we should lead the world and stand at the forefront of the world.

16. The only way for China to compete with the United States in the future is to improve education.

Ren Zhengfei said:When China competes with the United States in the future, there is no other way but to improve education.

The commodity of educational means is another thing. I think the most important thing is to attach importance to teachers, because after teachers are respected, everyone wants to be teachers.

Shenzhen teachers are respected, Shenzhen teachers earn a lot of money, and 253 people compete for a teaching post. We helped the affiliated Middle School of Tsinghua University to build Qinglan Mountain Middle School. The headmaster said that it would be the first school in China in the future because of the high fees. Qinglan Mountain only enrolls more than 2,000 students and is open to the whole society. Huawei employees rush to send their children in, but they can't send them in to find me. I said I can't control you.

Only when the political status and economic treatment of teachers are improved, I think it is possible to make a great development of education. Why do I feel so deeply personally? My parents are rural teachers who work in rural education in the most remote ethnic minority areas in Guizhou. My parents' experience of being teachers all their life is to say, "you are not allowed to be teachers in this life." if teachers do not allow their children to be teachers, there will be no successors in the country. I personally experienced the dilemma of their low political status, discrimination and poor economic treatment. We followed them and experienced this hardship, so we didn't choose to be a teacher.

17. Basic education is the responsibility of the state

Ren Zhengfei said:It is the basic responsibility of the country to improve the cultural quality of the whole nation, and it is impossible for any enterprise to shoulder the responsibility of improving the quality of a nation. It can not be said that when it comes to education, it is necessary to do education.

Basic education is the responsibility of the country, and enterprises should do their own things well. We are the main battle force, and when the "tank army" is advancing, dragging a few children and holding a few literacy books, it will be impossible to rush to "Shangganling." Building such a huge network for mankind is our greatest social responsibility. We connect 3 billion people in the world. Especially in the African region, because they do not make money, Western countries do not go, and we go to connect them. If Huawei no longer exists, it is a threat to the world.

We will not do education on our own, because our main combat forces will have to be reduced, and some minor organizations should be cut off so that they can be privatized into militias and follow us forward. Just like the Huai-Hai campaign, migrant workers push wheelbarrows to deliver food, but they have to pay. When employees work overtime during the Spring Festival this year, more than 5,000 people provide services, that is, militia organizations. during the Spring Festival, not only the price of shopping is doubled, but also the service staff are rewarded and cashed in time.

18. If independent innovation is a spirit, I support it; if it is an action, I oppose it.

Ren Zhengfei said:As a spirit, independent innovation should be encouraged, and it is correct to innovate on the basis of human civilization.

All scientists are independent innovators. Why? They do some inexplicable questions, which no one can understand. However, we have to see that scientific and technological innovation needs to move forward on the shoulders of our predecessors. For example, our Hayes did not innovate independently from the source, and we also paid a lot of intellectual property fees to others, and some signed cross-license agreements. Some agreements are permanently authorized, and you have me in you and you in me, and we have formed our own innovation on the basis of others.

We agree to encourage independent innovation, but we should make the definition clear. You can't use the same thing even if you make it yourself, and you have to pay others original money. This is the law, and whoever applies for it first belongs to it.

Radio was first invented by Popov, but Russia suppressed the publication of this thing for the sake of secrecy; Marconi of Italy applied first, so the right to invent the radio belongs to "Marconi".

The inventors of the plane were not the Wright brothers, they just finished the flight. In fact, the real inventor is Rukovsky, whose hydrodynamics formula deduces how to lift the wings and lays the foundation for lift hydrodynamics. Our jet engine has failed today, but who invented the jet engine? Chinese.

When Deng Xiaoping introduced Spey's engine to Britain, Spey agreed to sell it to us. Deng Xiaoping asked whether military engines were sold. The Englishman replied that he would sell. In fact, China wants to buy civil engines, mainly as spare parts for civil aircraft, and later the British also sold military engines, which are now used in bomber 6.

Deng Xiaoping stood up and paid tribute to the British scientist. The British scientist was frightened and quickly stood up and replied, "Thank you for the great invention of the Chinese scientist." Deng Xiaoping came back to find out who invented it. It was Wu Zhonghua.

Where is this man? As soon as he found out that this man was raising pigs in Hubei, he was quickly transferred back to Beijing to be the director of the Institute of Thermophysics.

Why don't we take advantage of Wu Zhonghua's research, step by step, why can't we make a theoretical breakthrough in the jet engine?

Now aircraft engine design is called experimental science, not theoretical science, but aircraft must be theoretical science.

The stealth principle of F22 stealth aircraft was also invented by Russian mathematicians in the 1950s. Russian mathematicians said that diamond section has a stealthy function. Russia has been studying for a long time and thinks that this thing is useless. Why? Because it is impossible and meaningless, the paper is approved to be published.

After reading it, the Americans took 20 years to build the F22 stealth plane, and of course now our meter wave radar has seen the F22 again.

In fact, there were many original scientists in China in the 1950s, but now they all have a rough and frothy style of study. How can this style of study establish the competitiveness of our country's basic scientific research? Therefore, it is still necessary to transform the style of study.

Above I sorted out the eighteen most important words, that is, the eighteen most important points in Mr. Ren Zhengfei's long interview.

I sincerely hope that all people of insight who are concerned about the future of China will attach great importance to the insights of Mr. Ren Zhengfei.

Finally, I would like to quote a passage from Vannevar Bush (1890-1974), a famous American scientist, famous scientific work manager and founder of the American scientific and technological innovation system after World War II, to illustrate how important the insights of Mr. Ren Zhengfei are. It can be said that great minds think alike.

"all new products and processes are not sudden, self-development and self-growth. They all come from new scientific principles and scientific concepts. New scientific principles and scientific concepts must come from the persistent and difficult exploration in the field of purest science. If a country relies on others for its most basic cutting-edge scientific knowledge, its industrial progress must be extremely slow, and its industrial and world trade competitiveness must be extremely weak. "

The foresight of Ren Zhengfei and Van Newell once again shows that the history of human innovation shows a most basic law, that is, epoch-making scientific and technological and industrial innovation must come from epoch-making ideological innovation. Only innovative ideas can stimulate innovative technologies, products and services. The importance of ideological innovation is above all else. As the great French science fiction writer Jules Verne (1828 murmur1905) said:Anyone who can think of it, someone can achieve it.

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