

BUY BUY BUY! There is a big competition for public funds to “buy themselves”. This type of fund is the most popular; what employees buy is the best?

券商中国 ·  May 21, 2020 11:00

Employees of fund companies often know more about their own products than ordinary investors, and their self-purchase behavior to some extent reflects the true recognition of the products, so we might as well look at what the employees of fund companies have bought through the data.

According to statistics, among the active stock-biased funds (excluding pension funds and strategic placement funds), there are 20 fund products with employees buying more than 17 million yuan, of which Fuguo Tianhui's selected growth is held by its own employees as high as 53.97 million yuan, firmly ranking first; while Jingshun Great Wall emerging growth is held by employees 41.64 million yuan, ranking second; Dongfang Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Shanghai are held by employees 37.51 million yuan, ranking third Also in the top 10 are star products such as Xingquanhe run and Ruiyuan growth value.

From the perspective of analysis, funds with long-term excellent performance are more favored by their own employees. "buy at ease, take at ease" is a distinct feature of this kind of fund. The returns of the top five funds in the list are among the top 10% of similar products in the past three years.

According to fund companies, a total of 13 fund companies have active partial stock fund employees holding a proportion of 0.10% or more, of which Wells Fargo Fund has the highest proportion of 0.36%, while Dongfang Red Capital Management ranks second with 0.20%. Southern Fund and Xingquan Fund ranked third with 0.17%.

Take the initiative to subscribe for TOP20 by employees of stock-oriented funds

The following table shows the active stock-biased funds (share consolidation calculation) in which employees hold fund assets TOP20, excluding pension funds and strategic funds. Pension target funds and strategic placement funds are innovative varieties in the industry in recent years, for such products, fund company employees often initiate self-purchase to support, so their employee self-purchase data is of little significance.

According to the data in the table, TOP20's fund employees hold assets of more than 15 million yuan, of which Fortune Tianhui's selected growth is held by its own employees as high as 53.97 million yuan, firmly ranking first; while Jingshun Great Wall emerging growth is held by employees 41.64 million yuan, ranking second; Dongfang Red Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen is held by employees 37.51 million yuan, ranking third.

According to the fund company, a total of four funds under Wells Fargo Fund entered the TOP20 form, ranking first, while Dongfanghong Capital Management and Xingquan Fund each had three funds entering the form, both ranking second, while Huitianfu Fund and Zhonggeng Fund each had two funds entering the form, ranking third.

According to the size of the fund, most of the funds sought after by their own employees belong to large and medium-sized funds, of which there are 6 funds with a scale of more than 10 billion and 13 with a scale of more than 3 billion. However, four small-cap funds with a size less than 1 billion are also favored by their own employees.

Employees pay attention to long-term performance

Taking the funds in the list as a reference, we can find that when employees buy, they prefer funds with excellent long-term performance. "buy at ease, take peace of mind" is a distinct feature of this kind of funds. Some of the funds will be introduced below.

Tianhui of Rich country: ten-fold Foundation in Ten years

Fuguo Tianhui selected growth A, established in 2005, is a partial stock mixed fund. As of May 18, its latest size of Class A share is 9.974 billion yuan and that of Class C share is 896 million yuan. According to statistics, Wells Fargo's selected growth is held by Wells Fargo fund employees a total of 53.97 million yuan, accounting for 0.5% of the size of the fund.

Over the past 21 years since the development of the public offering fund industry, a total of 15 bulls with returns of more than 10 times have been produced, of which only the fund managers of Fuguo Tianhui have never been replaced, which is rare in the industry. Fund manager Zhu Shaoxing's investment style tends to "dilute timing, select individual stocks", and select high-quality companies through long-term tracking and analysis.

Fund manager Zhu Shaoxing said in the annual report, "We do not have the reliable ability to accurately predict the short-term trend of the market. What rational long-term investors should do is to patiently collect shares of excellent listed companies with great prospects at reasonable prices." wait for the realization of the value created by the company itself and the return of market sentiment at some point in the future. " According to the quarterly report, its top ten stocks are mainly white horse blue chips, including Yili, Ping An Insurance, Maotai and so on.

Jingshun Great Wall emerging growth: returns in the past 5 years ranked sixth in the same category

Jingshun Great Wall Xinxing growth was founded in 2006, and its employees hold a total of 41.64 million yuan in the fund. This partial stock hybrid fund, similar to Wells Fargo Tianhui, is also a long-distance runner. According to data, the fund returned 99.37 per cent in the past five years as of May 18, ranking sixth among similar products. Since its inception, the fund has earned a cumulative return of 422.09%.

Among the top 10 positions shown in the quarterly report, liquor is the favorite variety of Jingshun Great Wall, with Guizhou Moutai, Wuliangye and Luzhou laojiao accounting for 23.92% of the positions. On the whole, its positions are mainly concentrated in white horse stocks in the consumer field.

Dongfanghong, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Dongfanghong China's advantages: on protracted War

The Dongfanghong Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Dongfanghong China advantage funds under the Dongfang Red Flag have been purchased 37.51 million yuan and 37.41 million yuan by the employees of Dongfang Red Capital Management respectively. If you look at the performance of the past year or two, the two funds can only be regarded as mediocre performance, but if you lengthen the timeline, you can find that the two "low-key" funds have appeared prominently in the performance rankings.

According to the data, the return of Dongfanghong Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen in the past year is 23.68%, ranking 779C1839 in the same category, while its return in the past three years is as high as 64.87%. It is reported that the fund just won the 17th China Fund Industry Taurus Award in March this year. Dongfanghong China advantage has a return of 15.95% in the past year, which is in the middle level of similar products, while its return in the past five years is as high as 80.80%, ranking in the top 10% of similar products.

Xingquanhe run: the annualized return ranks first of its kind.

The size of the Xingquan Herun grading Fund was 5.61 billion at the end of 2019, and the employees of the Xingquan Fund held a total of 31.52 million yuan, accounting for 0.56%. According to the data, its return in the past three years has reached 85.22%, with similar products ranking 45max 527; in the past 5 years, 105.22%, and similar products ranking 4Universe 455. And its annualized return is as high as 17.21%, ranking first among similar products.

Fund manager Xie Zhiyu said in the 2019 annual report that the overall operation of the fund is still in line with the principle of risk control, firmly holding varieties based on the medium-and long-term logic of fundamentals, balanced allocation and reducing volatility, in order to better create long-term value for investors.

Ruiyuan growth value: the return of long-term value

Ruiyuan's growth value was sought after by a large number of investors at the time of its launch, including Ruiyuan Fund's own employees, who bought 31.07 million yuan according to its 2019 annual report.

Ruiyuan growth value was established on March 26, 2019, when the Shanghai Composite Index was at a stage high of 3000 points. In April, the index once stood above 3288 points and then turned back. This also makes Ruiyuan growth value Jiancang experienced a "high guard". The performance of Ruiyuan growth value in the second quarter of 2019 is in the middle and lower reaches of the same category. However, short-term adjustment will not hinder the return of long-term value. After more than a year, Ruiyuan's growth value has returned 46.11% in nearly one year, ranking in the top 26% of similar products. As of May 18, the latest net worth of the product is 1.3949.

The above table shows the fund companies whose employees hold a proportion of TOP20 in 2019 active stock-biased funds. Although the size of each fund company is different, it will result in different absolute values of fund assets held by employees. However, the percentage data held by employees can reflect the enthusiasm of the employees of fund companies for their own products.

It can be seen that the employee holding ratio of 13 fund companies is 0.10% or more, among which the employee holding proportion of Wells Fargo Fund is the highest, which is 0.36%, and the employees hold a total of 260 million yuan of active stock-biased funds. Dongfang Red Capital Management ranks second with a proportion of 0.2%, and employees hold a total of 150 million yuan of active partial stock funds. Southern Fund and Xingquan Fund ranked third with a proportion of 0.17%.

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