
特斯拉二手车被曝隐私问题 黑客获得大量个人信息

Tesla used cars revealed privacy issues, hackers obtained large amounts of personal information

新浪科技 ·  May 7, 2020 12:00

Sina Science and Technology News Beijing time at noon on May 7, according to foreign media reportsTeslaThe in-car computer system may not be as secure as you think. Even after the factory settings are fully restored, hackers can still recover a large amount of personal information from the old Tesla, Inc. panel system, according to a network security researcher.

The researcher, under the account "greentheonly", came to the conclusion after studying 13 used Tesla, Inc. media control units (MCU), 12 of which he bought from eBay and the other from a friend.

Although each control unit has reset all the personal information of the owner before it was deleted, the researchers were able to recover large amounts of data from the system, such as passwords, GPS location information, etc. Hackers can access the complete contact list, call records, calendar information and third-party applications (Spotify,Netflix, Gmail, YouTube, etc.) account ID and password.

Each time the vehicle starts, the on-board media control unit also saves a screenshot of the location of the vehicle, and the system user retains the last 50 screenshots of the location, all of which can be accessed.

Greentheonly said he could access the information because Tesla, Inc. 's system used a SQLite database. For SQLite databases, the original information will only be deleted when a specific module on the hard drive is overwritten and rewritten with new information.

Restoring the factory settings only means that Tesla, Inc. 's operating system will free up space on that particular module. However, the data that has been written remains there, and the original data is not erased until the system rewrites the data.

In an interview, greentheonly also said that the used Tesla, Inc. vehicle media control unit is easier to buy in the second-hand market. (Xiaobai)

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