

Bill Gates: Fortunately, China is in control!

新浪美股 ·  Apr 4, 2020 01:03  · Discovery

We can't strictly enforce the closure of the city like in Wuhan, but this move is really very important.

Bill Gates

On April 3, American talk show host Trevor Noah (Trevor Noah) connected with Bill Gates on his “Daily Show” program. The two talked about how countries control the epidemic.


When the host “Cui Wa” asked which country's epidemic prevention measures are effective and can be used by countries with such a large land area as the US, Gates said that there are many differences between countries. The spread of the virus in the US is more widespread than in South Korea. The situation in the US is a bit like Hubei in China. There have been a large number of cases in a city in Wuhan, but the US is not the same as China. “We can't strictly enforce the closure of the city like Wuhan, but this measure is really very important. We can't achieve that kind of method of tracking contacts.”

Gates went on to say that at least one good news is that China has contained the epidemic. If there is another major rebound in China, “it will be almost impossible for you to contain it (the coronavirus) anymore.”

Editor: Celeste

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