

The cumulative number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide exceeds 870,000, and the US State Department now has the first death case

富途资讯 ·  Apr 1, 2020 07:27  · Exclusive

Futu News on April 1, according to real-time statistics released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 19:24 Beijing time on April 1, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide exceeded 870000, reaching 874081, with a total of 43291 deaths.

Source: Johns Hopkins University, USA

Dozens of people in the US State Department have been confirmed, with the first death.

According to the latest data, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States is approaching 190000.

Us Secretary of State Pompeo said on March 31st that a State Department official has died of infection with COVID-19, and dozens of people in the State Department have been diagnosed, according to a comprehensive US media CNBC and Fox News report. This is the first death of COVID-19 by the US State Department.

Peng Peiao said at a press conference on the same day that a member of the State Council team died of infection with novel coronavirus, and there were 3000 deaths across the United States, calling it "this is a tragedy."

Pompeo did not disclose more details about the identity of the deceased official. He pointed out that the State Council also has other team members diagnosed, a total of about 48 to 60 people.

William Walters, deputy chief medical officer of the State Department's Medical Bureau, said at a press conference that the State Department has 75000 employees around the world, including 75 foreign staff and 30 domestic staff.

In addition, the US Defense Department announced on the 30th that a National Guard captain infected with COVID-19 has died, becoming the first death case of COVID-19 in the US military.

A total of 2229 people have been diagnosed by COVID-19 in Japan.

As of the early morning of April 1, local time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Japan had increased to 2229, with 66 deaths, NHK reported.

At present, the number of confirmed cases in eight prefectures in Japan has exceeded 100, with Tokyo having the largest number of confirmed cases, reaching 521. At the same time, the number of new cases in Tokyo reached 78 on March 31, once again setting a new high for the city in a single day.

A total of 102136 cases have been diagnosed in Spain, and prevention and control measures such as "social alienation" are effective.

According to real-time statistics released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 19:00 Beijing time on April 1, there were 102136 confirmed cases, 9053 deaths and 22647 recoveries in Spain.

The World Health Organization said on the 30th that the epidemic in Spain has shown signs of stabilizing in recent days, indicating that previous prevention and control measures such as "social alienation" are effective, but it is still necessary to step up efforts to deal with new cases if they are to continue to decline. Michael Ryan, director of World Health Organization (WHO) 's health emergency program, said at a regular press conference that thanks to continued strict prevention and control measures, the curve of new cases in Italy and Spain should now stabilize. World Health Organization (WHO) also earnestly hopes that the epidemic in the two countries will stabilize.

Germany will extend the national blockade until April 19

As of 19:00 Beijing time on April 1st, COVID-19 in Germany had a total of 72383 confirmed cases, an increase of 5499 over the previous day, a total of 793 deaths and a total of 16100 people recovered.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel: Germany will extend the national blockade until April 19; it will be reassessed on the Tuesday after Easter; it is too early to end social alienation; citizens' personal travel must be banned.

In response to the current continuing COVID-19 epidemic, the eastern German city of Jena announced a few days ago that it would follow Austria's example and begin to require all citizens to wear masks or cover their mouths and noses with scarves and other fabrics when shopping and using public transport. This is the first German city to take such measures. In this regard, German Federal Health Minister Span said on the 31st that there is no need to implement the above measures in Germany at present.

Traffic restrictions have been implemented within the Canadian Capital Special Administrative region.

British Columbia, Canada, March 31, local time, the last of the provinces released COVID-19 epidemic statistics. There were 43 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the province, bringing the total to 1013. The number of deaths increased by 5, totaling 24.

Traffic restrictions have been implemented in the Canadian capital special zone centered around Ottawa from April 1 local time to control the continued spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, according to CCTV. The specific restrictions are to set up roadblocks on the bridge between Ottawa and the city of Gatino across the river and check passing vehicles, thereby limiting the frequent movement of people.

There are 527 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Israel, with a total of 5358 confirmed cases.

According to the latest epidemic report released by the Israeli Ministry of Health in the past 12 hours (10:00 on the 31st to 22:00 on the 31st), the number of confirmed cases confirmed by COVID-19 in the country increased by 527 in the past 12 hours (from 10:00 on the 31st to 22:00 on the 31st), the largest increase in confirmed cases since the outbreak, with 3 new deaths and a total of 20 deaths, 94 in critical condition, of which 76 were intubated and 224 recovered.

The cumulative diagnosis in France has exceeded 50,000.

As of 19:00 Beijing time on April 1st, the number of confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in France had reached 52836, with a total of 3523 deaths.

In France, 22757 infected people are being treated in hospitals, an increase of 458 over the previous day, of which 5565 are in intensive care units. So far, 9444 people have been cured.

There were 212 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Vietnam, and gathering of more than 2 people in public places was prohibited.

As of 6: 00 a.m. local time on the 1st, there were five new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Vietnam, quoted the Vietnam News Agency as saying. A total of 212 cases have been confirmed in the country.

Of the new confirmed cases, 1 was community infection and 3 were imported cases, which were quarantined immediately after entering the country.

From 00:00 local time on the 1st to the 15th, more than 2 people are prohibited from gathering in public places across Vietnam. In principle, the segregation must be strictly enforced from individual families to provinces.

Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Chun Phu has asked people to stay at home (except when it is necessary to go out to buy daily necessities such as food and medicine, emergency medical treatment, and employees of necessities production and service companies to go to work). You must keep a safe distance of at least 2 meters from others.

At present, the Ministry of Health of Vietnam implements the system of publishing test results twice a day.

There are 2704 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Turkey, with a total of 13531 confirmed cases.

On the evening of March 31, local time, the Turkish Ministry of Health announced that 15422 novel coronavirus tests had been conducted that day, of which 2704 tested positive. So far, a total of 13531 cases have been confirmed in Turkey. There were 46 new deaths, 214 deaths and 243 cured cases. A total of 92403 tests were conducted in Turkey, including 847 intensive care patients and 622 intubation patients.

A total of 1637 confirmed cases in India

According to the news released by the Indian Ministry of Health at 1: 00 p.m. local time on the 1st, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in India reached 1637, of which 38 died and 133 were cured and discharged.

There were 4053 new confirmed cases by COVID-19 in Italy, and flags were flown at half mast all over Italy.

According to the latest data released by the Italian Civil Protection Department, as of 19:00 local time on March 31st, Italy had 77635 confirmed cases, 12428 deaths, 15729 cured cases and a total of 105792 confirmed cases, with 4053 new confirmed cases and 837 deaths compared with 18:00 on March 30th.

Sylvio Brucefaro, director of the Italian National Institute of Health, said on the 31st that according to the growth curve, the epidemic in Italy has entered a stable period. At 12:00 Italian time on the 31st, flags across Italy were flown at half-mast to mourn all the victims of COVID-19.

Italy's 24-hour Sun newspaper quoted the conclusion of the research center of the federation of industrialists that the current COVID-19 epidemic has had a huge impact on the Italian economy, and Italy's gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to decline by 6% in 2020 compared with the same period last year. This figure will even fall by 10% in the first two quarters of this year. Italy's gross domestic product may rise by 3.5% in a "partial recovery" in 2021. According to the report, Italy's current restrictions on non-essential production are expected to cause a loss of 0.75% of GDP every week.

There are 4324 new cases confirmed by COVID-19 in the UK, with a total of 29000 cases.

As of 21:00 Beijing time on April 1st, there were 4324 new confirmed cases and a total of 29474 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United Kingdom. There were 563 new deaths and a total of 2352 deaths.

France has proposed the establishment of a timely EU novel coronavirus epidemic relief fund, according to the Financial Times. In addition, due to the fermentation of the epidemic and the shortage of medical resources, British Cabinet Secretary Gove said on Tuesday that Britain will buy large quantities of ventilators and that the country's manufacturing giants have formed an alliance. Companies including Rolls-Royce and Dyson will quickly launch ventilators and put them into mass production.

British Chancellor of the Exchequer Sunak announced that the government will exempt import duties on important medical equipment, including ventilators, testing agents and protective clothing.

COVID-19 confirmed 101 new cases in South Korea

There were 101 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Korea yesterday, with a total of 9887 confirmed cases and a total of 165deaths of COVID-19.

Edit / Edward, Jeffy

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