

The economic outlook is pessimistic. Trump: Will urge enterprises to resume work as soon as possible!

富途资讯 ·  Mar 24, 2020 12:54


Analysts' growth forecasts for S & P 500 companies have been further cut, according to a survey by analysts from financial data firm Refinitiv.


  • In the week of March 12, analysts expected the year-on-year EPS performance of S & P 500 companies for the four quarters to be as follows:-1.3%, + 2.7%, + 7.7%, + 10.2%

  • In the week of March 19, analysts' EPS forecasts were downgraded, and the year-on-year performance was expected to be:-2.9%,-1.8%, + 4.7%, + 8.4%.Which meansAnalysts expect the impact of the epidemic to spread into the second quarter (Q2), and the economy will recover more slowly than previously expected.

Meanwhile, Trump hinted at the White House daily news conference on Monday, local time.SetAmerican companies are urged to return to work as soon as possible, saying it should be sooner rather than later.


Source: CNBC

"in a way," he said.We will open up our country, and it will be open soon.". When asked if "soon" meant weeks or months, he replied, "I don't think it will take months."

Deborah Birx, a member of the Trump COVID-19 epidemic Task Force, was asked if she agreed with Trump's plan to "reopen the United States". She did not answer directly, saying.We are now collecting all the data... I would never speculate on the data.. I have to see the data to really understand the current epidemic.

But Trump insists, "We can do two things at once.". He saidStates with fewer confirmed coronavirus cases, such as Nebraska, may be able to relax restrictions more quicklyHis government has done a "very good job" in dealing with the epidemic, pointing out that other problems such as flu and traffic accidents cause higher death rates every year, but society is not derailed.

If you look at the traffic accident, it's much more serious than we talked about. That doesn't mean we have to tell people not to drive.

On March 16, the White House issued a series of guidelines advising all Americans to avoid gatherings of more than 10 people over the next 15 days and to avoid unnecessary travel or gathering in bars, restaurants and other places.

Within a few days, Trump could no longer stand the impact of epidemic control on the economy and markets. Last Sunday night, Trump wrote in uppercase letters on Twitter,We can't make the solution worse than the problem..At the end of the 15-day period, we will decide which way we want to go!"


Mr Trump's own business empire has also been affected: Mr Trump's Mar-a-Lago, a seaside resort in Palm Beach, Florida, has also been temporarily closed for the current peak season.

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