① Due to the combined impact of intensified market competition and various other factors, China National Accord Medicines Corporation anticipates a double decline in revenue and net profit for the year 2024. ② The company plans to provision for credit impairment losses and asset impairment losses totaling 1.094 billion yuan.
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On March 17, Financial Link reported (by journalist He Fan) difficulties in account receivables, decreased foot traffic in retail pharmacies, and the need to provision for asset impairment... China National Accord Medicines Corporation (000028.SZ) experienced a double decline in revenue and net profit last year, marking the first revenue decline for the company since 2005.
This evening, China National Accord Medicines Corporation released a performance report indicating that in 2024, the company achieved total operating revenue of 74.378 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.46%; operating profit of 0.573 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 76.76%; and net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 0.642 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 59.83%. This is basically consistent with the performance forecast released in January.
Regarding the decline in net profit, the company stated that performance declined due to the combined effects of changes in industry policies and intensified market competition, resulting in a significant gap between the operating performance of acquired asset groups and expectations. Based on the preliminary results of the impairment test and following the principle of prudence, the company has provisioned for impairment losses of 0.97 billion yuan related to goodwill and intangible assets (brand usage rights and sales networks) formed from acquisition price allocation, which reduced net profit attributable to shareholders by 0.561 billion yuan during the reporting period.
Specifically, the distribution sector achieved operating income of 52.984 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.98%; net profit was 0.922 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 12.74%, mainly due to the impact of industry policies and market conditions, which caused delays in account receivables, resulting in increased capital occupation and corresponding cost increases. In 2023, there was a government land requisition which generated disposal gains; this period had no such matter, and the combined impact of the mentioned factors led to a profit decline.
The retail sector (i.e., SINOPHARM's Guoda Drugstore Co., Ltd.) achieved operating revenue of 22.357 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 8.41%; net profit was -1.104 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 309.53%, primarily due to provisions for asset impairments related to goodwill and intangible assets formed from acquisition price allocation leading to profit decline.
The company simultaneously released an announcement on provisioning for asset impairment, indicating that in 2024, it plans to provision for credit impairment losses and asset impairment losses of 99.3258 million yuan and 0.995 billion yuan respectively, totaling 1.094 billion yuan. Among these, the proposed intangible asset impairment provision is 82.0811 million yuan, and the proposed goodwill impairment provision is 0.888 billion yuan. This provisioning is expected to reduce the company's net profit attributable to shareholders for the year 2024 by 0.625 billion yuan.
Regarding the reasons and amounts for the proposed impairment provision of goodwill, China National Accord Medicines Corporation stated that in 2024, factors such as outpatient centralized management and other medical reform policies profoundly affected the behavior of terminal consumers, leading to a decrease in foot traffic at pharmaceutical retail stores. Sales of high-margin categories such as health food, medical devices, and traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces declined significantly, and the sales and profits of the asset groups with goodwill experienced a downturn. Additionally, the pharmaceutical retail sector faced intensified competition and online diversion due to Pharmaceutical E-commerce, resulting in a general declining trend in the industry.
Therefore, the company plans to make impairment provisions for 17 goodwill asset groups, including Shanghai Dingqun, Chengda Fangyuan, and Pudong Medicine.
In addition, the company plans to provide an impairment provision for intangible assets (brand usage rights) totaling 39.9488 million yuan for Beijing Jinxiang, Disheng Chain, and Shanghai Dingqun, and intends to make an impairment provision for intangible assets (sales network) of 42.1323 million yuan for Shanghai Dingqun and Fumei Pharmaceuticals.
Reason For Report