

Trump test results: negative! The number of confirmed cases outside of China reached 61,518, and the Spanish Prime Minister's wife was also infected

证券时报网 ·  Mar 15, 2020 07:24  · Headlines

Source: People's Daily, World wide Web, CCTV News

Trump novel coronavirus test is negative.

White House doctors said Trump tested negative for the coronavirus, CCTV News quoted foreign media as saying.

Us President Donald Trump said on the 14th that he was tested by novel coronavirus on the evening of the 13th and is expected to receive the test results within a few days.

Trump said at a press conference at the White House on the same day that he also took a temperature test on the 14th and the results were "completely normal."

White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere said in a statement on the 14th that all people who have been in close contact with Trump and Vice President Pence should undergo a temperature test for careful consideration.

According to a memo issued by the White House presidential doctor on the evening of the 13th, Trump contacted novel coronavirus infected people when he received a visiting Brazilian delegation at Sea and Lake Manor in Florida over the weekend, one of whom had dined with Trump, Pence and other deskmates.

Two states in the United States postpone their primaries

Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the US state of Georgia announced on the 14th that it would postpone voting in the presidential primary election scheduled for March 24 to May 19. In addition, Louisiana announced the postponement of the primary on the 13th.

Wife of Spanish Prime Minister diagnosed COVID-19

Bogonia Gomez, the wife of Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez, was infected with novel coronavirus, Agence France-Presse reported. Just a few hours ago, Sanchez declared a state of emergency in Spain. As of the 15th, the number of confirmed cases in Spain has exceeded 6000.

Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez announced on the 14th local time that in order to combat the COVID-19 epidemic, the movement of people in Spain will be restricted from now on, and the travel of the whole country will be subject to maximum restrictions, except for activities such as buying food, medical treatment and work. You have to stay at home. All non-essential public places are closed to the public. As of the evening of the 14th, the number of confirmed cases in Spain had risen to 6393, with 195 deaths.

World Health Organization (WHO): there are 61518 confirmed cases by COVID-19 outside China.

The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 outside China has reached 61518, according to the latest data released by the World Health Organization on the 14th.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) 's daily epidemic report, as of 10:00 central European time on the 14th (17:00 Beijing time on the 14th), the number of confirmed cases confirmed by COVID-19 outside China increased by 9751 from the previous day to 61518, while the number of deaths outside China increased by 424 from the previous day to 2199.

Worldwide, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 increased by 9769 over the previous day to 142539, and the number of deaths increased by 438 to 5393.

Female Vice President of Iran recovers: returning to the office to work with a mask

On February 27th, Iranian Vice President Masoumeh Ebtekar was confirmed to be infected with novel coronavirus. After about two weeks of treatment, she recovered and returned to the office on the 14th local time to continue to work. Senior Iranian journalist Abbas Asllani tweeted that Ebtekar posted photos of the scene, which showed that Ebtekar was in a meeting and the participants were wearing masks.

Suspected of impairing frontier health and quarantine 1 imported cases from abroad in Ningxia were put on file for investigation

The Zhongning County Public Security Bureau issued a police report on March 14: Ding Mou, a person diagnosed with COVID-19 in Zhongning County, returned to China from Iran in late February 2020. After investigation, Ding Mou was suspected of violating the Criminal Law of the people's Republic of China and the Law of the people's Republic of China on Frontier Health and Quarantine when he entered the country, and the case is now on file for the crime of impairing frontier health and quarantine, and the case is currently under further investigation.

There were 3 new confirmed cases imported from abroad in Gansu, and 41 cases were imported from abroad.

The Gansu Health and Health Commission reported that from 20:00 on 13 March to 20:00 on 14 March, one new confirmed case of COVID-19 was added to the two batches of 309 people who arrived in Lanzhou by commercial charter plane on March 4 and 5 plus 2 people who were specially transferred to Lanzhou on March 2. One new case was cured and discharged from hospital. Of the 311 people mentioned above, 37 cases were diagnosed, 2 cases were cured and discharged, and 35 cases were isolated and treated in provincial designated hospitals. At present, there is 1 severe case. A total of 274 people were in close contact with imported cases outside Iran's charter flights, of which 59 were quarantined in provincial designated hospitals and 215 were quarantined at centralized isolation points, and further medical tests were being carried out.

From 00: 00 on March 14 to 20:00 on March 14, two new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were imported from abroad through other channels, and the two cases confirmed at 22:00 on March 13 were all imported cases from Saudi Arabia. A total of 4 cases were diagnosed, all of them were hospitalized and isolated in Linxia designated hospital. A total of 62 people who had been in close contact with imported cases from other sources were isolated at centralized isolation points and further medical tests were being carried out.

A total of 41 cases were confirmed by several batches of Iranian charter flights to Gansu and 4 confirmed cases imported from outside the country through other channels.

From 20:00 on March 13 to 20:00 on March 14, there were no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Gansu, and one new case was cured and discharged from hospital. As of 20:00 on March 14, a total of 91 confirmed cases and 2 deaths of COVID-19 have been reported locally in Gansu. All the remaining 89 confirmed cases have been cured and discharged from hospital. At present, there is no doubt that there is a local case in Gansu, and all close contacts have been released from medical observation to achieve double zero clearance.

Italian Deputy Minister of Health infected COVID-19

Italian Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaoli Sileri tested positive for the coronavirus, ANSA news agency said on the 14th. He said on the social networking site on the 14th that he had been in contact with suspected cases a few days ago, quarantined himself immediately after the onset of symptoms, and followed the directive rules of the Ministry of Health.

Italy announces suspension of most domestic flights

According to CNN, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority said on the 13th that it would suspend all civilian flights at many of the country's major airports, including Rome's Ciampino airport. This is one of the emergency flight ban measures taken by Italy to control the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Domestic flights at major airports in several Italian cities will be suspended, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority said. Starting from March 16 local time, all flights at Milan International Airport will be suspended and Terminal 1 of Rome Fiumicino Airport will be closed the next day.

The Italian Civil Aviation Authority added that the suspension of the flight would not affect emergency health services or government official flights.

A total of 12729 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Iran, an increase of 1365 cases.

The Ministry of Health of Iran announced on March 14 that 1365 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Iran in the past day, a total of 12729 cases, 97 new deaths, a total of 611 cases, 4339 people have been cured.

Number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Spain increased to 5753

According to data released 12:00 on the 14th by the Spanish Ministry of Health, there were 1544 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Spain at 13:00 the day before yesterday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 5753, of which 136 died and 517 were cured and discharged from hospital.

All the federal states in Germany have announced that supermarkets will suspend classes and restrict the purchase of some goods.

Schools and kindergartens in Meiqian state will be closed from next week, and all 16 federal states in Germany have decided to suspend classes at all levels, according to CCTV.

Among them, Saxony, Brandenburg and Hesse said that although "educational obligations" will be suspended from next week, schools will still be open, that is, students who do not come to class will not be held accountable, and students who are willing to attend classes can continue.

At the same time, German Federal Health Minister Span 14 refuted the rumors about the city closure, calling on the public not to listen to and spread false information, calmly deal with the epidemic.

Recently, there has been a shortage of medical protective materials and basic living materials on the market in Germany. Masks, disinfectants and hand sanitizers are sold out as soon as they are on the shelves, and the prices of these protective equipment on e-commerce platforms have also risen several times, making them hard to get. Most supermarkets have now limited the purchase of flour, rice, sugar, soap, toilet paper and other goods.

Venezuela is on alert because of COVID-19 's epidemic.

After two cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Venezuela, President Maduro announced in a televised speech on the evening of the 13th that the country was on alert. Maduro said that in a state of alert, he has ordered the closure of all restaurants, bars and nightclubs across the country, and asked the public not to hold any form of family gatherings and large-scale gatherings. He also said he was considering more stringent measures, including a nationwide shutdown.

Trump's daughter Ivanka started working from home and was confirmed by the Australian Interior Minister before she met with her.

Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump said on Friday that she began to work from home "out of full caution", but not "in self-isolation". She had previously contacted Australian officials infected with novel coronavirus.

On March 13, Australian Interior Minister Peter Dutton (Peter Dutton) issued a statement confirming that he tested positive for novel coronavirus, becoming the first confirmed cabinet member in Australia. Prior to this, Dutton attended a meeting in Washington on March 6 and took a photo with Ivanka.

It is reported that in addition to Ivanka, other senior US government officials, including US Attorney General William Barr, attended the same meeting with Dutton. A statement from the White House on the 13th said that it had been informed of the diagnosis of infection in Dayton, but senior officials did not need to be quarantined because Dutton attended the meeting without symptoms.

In addition to having been in contact with Dutton, Ivanka also had contact with a Brazilian official who had been diagnosed at the Lake Manor a few days ago. On March 7, Brazilian President Bosonaro attended a dinner at Trump's Sea and Lake Manor in Florida during a visit to the United States. Fabio Vangarten, head of media affairs at the Brazilian presidential palace, was diagnosed with infection after returning home.

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