
马斯克身价周四缩水26亿美元 但不到贝佐斯三分之一

Musk's net worth shrunk by $2.6 billion on Thursday but less than one-third of Bezos

TechWeb ·  Mar 13, 2020 17:04

Original title: Musk's value shrank by $2.6 billion on Thursday but less than 1/3 of Bezos Source:

[TechWeb] according to foreign media reports, US stocks fell sharply on Thursday, with all three major stock indexes falling more than 9%. The share prices of technology giants such as Amazon.Com Inc, Alphabet Inc-CL C and Tesla, Inc. all fell sharply, and the value of the CEO or founder of these companies also shrunk significantly on Thursday. Tesla, Inc. CEO Elon Musk's fortune shrank by 2.6 billion US dollars.


When the US stock market closed on Thursday, Tesla, Inc. closed at $560.55, down $73.68, or 11.62%, from the previous day's closing price of $634.23, with a market capitalization of $103.359 billion, down $13.586 billion from the previous day's close of $116.945 billion.

Tesla, Inc. 's share price fell sharply, and the value of its CEO Musk also shrunk significantly. After subscribing for nearly $10 million shares on Feb. 14, Musk's Tesla, Inc. shares increased to 34.09857 million shares.

In terms of the number of shares held and the decline in the share price, the market value of Musk's Tesla, Inc. shares shrank by $2.512 billion on Thursday.

Musk's value shrank by $2.6 billion on Thursday, while his personal worth has fallen to $31.6 billion, according to the Forbes real-time rich list.

Compared with billionaires such as Amazon.Com Inc CEO Jeff Bezos and Microsoft Corp founder Bill Gates, Musk's worth shrunk less on Thursday.


Bezos's value shrank by $8 billion on Thursday, more than triple Musk's $2.6 billion; Gates'$5.3 billion, more than double Musk's; Warren Buffett's $5.2 billion, twice Musk's; and Zuckerberg's $5.7 billion, much higher than Musk's $2.6 billion.

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