Deutsche Bank published a research report stating that after HKT Trust and HKT (06823.HK) announced last year's results, the management team is more confident about the outlook. Additionally, with the gradually recovering suppressed affordability, interest rate cuts, more business revenue opportunities from customer digitization, and the industry gradually consolidating, the bank has raised the group's Target Price from 11 HKD to 12 HKD, maintaining a Buy rating.
Deutsche Bank indicated that HKT has significant bullish factors, such as an 8% increase in local data fixed-line business (TSS) revenue due to strong demand for solutions based on 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. Mobile service revenue rose 5% due to an increase in users and ARPU, and mobile business EBITDA also increased by 5%. The Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate has peaked, alleviating profitability pressure; fixed broadband pricing continues to rise; and the governments and Institutions in the Greater Bay Area are committed to promoting digitization.
Reason For Report