
疫情在美国蔓延 美运营商建议员工别拥抱击掌亲吻

The epidemic is spreading in the US, US operators advise employees not to hug, high-fives, and kiss

新浪科技 ·  Mar 3, 2020 21:13

According to foreign media reports, with the spread of the coronavirus epidemic in the United States, mobile operator T-Mobile recently made a "strange" response to this threat: try not to hug, kiss or high-five.

T-Mobile says he wants employees to keep their distance from each other at work. It is reported that T-Mobile has also prepared a variety of sanitary (disinfection) products for your employees.

In addition to T-Mobile, other companies in the United States are also adopting new methods to protect their employees from the virus. Hollywood executives, for example, are reconsidering the red carpet premiere and Jeff Zucker, president of CNN, is evaluating intercontinental travel.

Famous for being "social".Facebook IncHe even began to ban "social" and "non-business visitors" from entering his office. In short, almost all American companies, from AT&T Inc toThe Home Depot Inc(Home Depot) and others are scrambling to manage the risk of this virus.

At the same time, major technology companies or their executives have pulled out of some large industry activities.TwitterIt said earlier today that employees are strongly encouraged to work from home. Meanwhile, CEO Jack Dorsey (Jack Dorsey) will no longer participate in the South by Southwest Festival (SXSW) in Austin, Texas, later this month.

In additionFacebook IncIt was also announced that it would not participate in the event. Last week, Facebook Inc also cancelled the annual developer conference and restricted travel to some countries. In addition, Facebook Inc does not encourage all gatherings of more than 50 people. Job seekers should not bother to show up in the office and, if possible, will be rescheduled as a videoconference, according to a person familiar with the matter.

This MondayAlphabet Inc-CL CAnnounced the cancellation of the largest cloud computing customer conference scheduled to be held in San Francisco next month. Last FridayAlphabet Inc-CL CTwo other events have been cancelled.

In addition to banning travel to specific countriesThe Home Depot IncA 14-day home observation was also carried out on employees who returned from abroad in the past two weeks.

On Wall Street, at least two major banks are testing technology and compliance systems to prepare employees who may be required to work from home or elsewhere in the coming weeks.

In Hollywood, the epidemic has affected the way films are made and viewers, and filmmakers have been forced to postpone the release of films in specific areas, where cinemas have been closed and are considering moving their filming locations to other areas. (Li Ming)

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