

Rating information (Target Price change) = Komeda, Kobe Bussan ETC.

Kabushiki Shimbun ·  Jan 29 00:54

Nomura Securities (3-tier system: Buy > Neutral > Reduce)

Komeda<3543.T>-- "Buy" → "Buy", 3200 yen → 3400 yen.

Gift HD<9279.T>-- "Buy" → "Buy", 3700 yen → 3600 yen.

Imperial Hotel<9708.T>-- "Neutral" → "Neutral", 980 yen → 950 yen.

SMBC Nikko Securities (3-tier system: 1 > 2 > 3)

Kobe Busan<3038.T>-- "1" → "1", 4200 yen → 3800 yen.

Mizuho Securities (3-tier system: Buy > Neutral > Underperform)

Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical<4530.T>-- "Hold" → "Hold", 4500 yen → 4700 yen.

Keisei<9009.T>―― "Hold" → "Hold", 2000 yen → 1500 yen.

◎Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities (three-tier system: overweight > equal weight > underweight)

Makita<6586.T>―― "Equal Weight" → "Equal Weight", 4200 yen → 4300 yen.

Okasan Securities (3-stage: Bullish > Hold > Bearish)

USMH<3222.T>―― "Hold" → "Hold", 900 yen → 850 yen.

CSP<9740.T>―― "Hold" → "Hold", 3000 yen → 3100 yen.

◎Tokai Tokyo Securities (three-tier system: outperform > neutral > underperform)

Pal GH<2726.T>―― "outperform" → "outperform", 3800 yen → 4200 yen.

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