
1月內地汽車經銷商庫存預警指數上升至62.3 處不景氣區間

In January, the Indices for inventory warning among Car Dealers/auto Retailers in mainland China rose to 62.3, indicating a recessionary Range.

AASTOCKS ·  Jan 27 00:39

The China Automobile Dealers Association released the latest issue of the "China Car Dealers Inventory Alert Index Survey" VIA (Vehicle Inventory Alert Index), which shows that in January 2025, the Inventory Alert Index for car dealers in mainland China is 62.3, an increase of 2.4 percentage points year-on-year and an increase of 12.1 percentage points month-on-month. The Inventory Alert Index is above the boom-bust line, indicating that the automobile circulation industry is in a downturn Range.

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