

Rating information (Target Price change) = Yusen, Gift HD, ETC

Kabushiki Shimbun ·  Jan 23 00:53

Nomura Securities (3-tier system: Buy > Neutral > Reduce)

Yusen<9101.T>-- "Buy" → "Buy", 7300 yen → 6500 yen

MOL<9104.T>-- "Buy" → "Buy", 7300 yen → 6900 yen

Kawasaki Kisen<9107.T>-- "neutral" → "neutral", 2350 yen → 2200 yen

◎ Daiwa Securities (5 levels: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5)

Gift HD<9279.T>-- "2" → "2", 3500 yen → 3700 yen

Mizuho Securities (3-tier system: Buy > Neutral > Underperform)

NX HD<9147.T>-- "Buy" → "Buy", 3167 yen → 3100 yen

Otsuka Holdings<4578.T>-- "Hold" → "Hold", 6750 yen → 8000 yen

◎Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities (three-tier system: overweight > equal weight > underweight)

Shimamura<8227.T>-- "Equal Weight" → "Equal Weight", 7900 yen → 8000 yen

・Tokai Tokyo Securities (three levels: outperform > neutral > underperform)

SPool<2471.T>-- "Outperform" → "Outperform", 450 yen → 370 yen

Adastria<2685.T>-- "Outperform" → "Outperform", 4700 yen → 4000 yen

Sega Sammy Holdings<6460.T>-- "Outperform" → "Outperform", 3970 yen → 3220 yen

Mitsubishi UFJ<8306.T>-- "Outperform" → "Outperform", 1765 yen → 2140 yen

TPR<6463.T>―― "neutral...

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