

Stock News Premium = Clothing stores continue to perform well with winter items due to low temperatures - Nishimatsuya, a leading Indicator, has seen three consecutive months of increased revenue.

Kabushiki Shimbun ·  Jan 22 07:07

Taking advantage of the cold weather this winter, specialty clothing stores are increasing their sales. The Options Chain<7545.T>announced on the 21st that its same-store sales for January (ending on the 20th) exceeded the previous year for the third consecutive month. Other companies in the same industry, such as Shimamura<8227.T>, are also expected to report favorable monthly results.

The Options Chain's same-store sales for January increased by 3.0% compared to the same month last year. It has maintained single-month revenue growth since November of last year, surpassing last year's high bar. In addition to winter clothing, baby and...

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