

Volume change rate ranking (14 o'clock) - Zain, Kyokuto Securities, etc. are ranked.

Fisco Japan ·  Jan 21 05:55

In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume of the past five days with the volume on the delivery day, you can understand the market participants' interests, such as trends in trading.

■Volume change rate rankings [As of January 21, 14:32]

(Comparison of average volume for the past five days)

Security code Title Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate

<2437>Shinwa Wise74850021857.62276.1%0.0746%
<2013>U.S. high dividend concept133535049959.833254.78%-0.0049%
<2247>iF500H none69273177880.048243.43%-0.0036%
<8706>Kyokuto Securities481100141426.1201.07%0.086%
<5888>Daiwa Cycle5970047795181.62%-0.0921%
<2237>iF500 Dai407378853.93177.53%0.0012%
<2239>SP Leveraged 2x1234056727.26173.86%0.0031%
<2569>To the listed NSQ.123360123747.586165.77%-0.0003%
<1514>JUSO HD2018100342498.24158.94%-0.0316%
<2248>iF500H exists.383635274.302153.7%0.0017%
<2633>NFS & P500.564920114482.063153.56%-0.0039%
<9708>Imperial Hotel14770041343.14150.26%0.0119%
<6768>Tamura manufactured.1165800208827.28145.38%0.0656%
<6620>Miyakoshi HD451300168475.44137.81%-0.1033%
<6721>Intest Corp197600070261.5131.32%-0.0574%
<2586>Fruita Fruta19872900689413.18131.05%0.1451%
<5715>Furukawa Machinery720100344045.46127.26%0.0188%
<7261>Mazda Motor Corp174136005966189.78126.77%-0.03%
<2243>GX Half-Generation538610343502.603123.55%-0.0035%

(*) is a stock that has newly entered the ranking.

Exclusions are made for those with a 20-day moving average trading value of less than 50 million yen.

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