

Apple is reportedly in talks with Barclays to replace Goldman Sachs as its credit card partner.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 16 01:02

On January 16, Gelonghui reported that according to sources quoted by Reuters, Apple is in talks with Barclays to have them replace Goldman Sachs as its credit card partner, while credit card issuer Synchrony Financial is also discussing cooperation with Apple. Goldman Sachs collaborated with Apple to launch a credit card in 2019, but subsequently Goldman Sachs felt that the trade terms posed too high a risk and were difficult to generate profits. The cooperation agreement between both parties is effective until 2030, but Goldman Sachs stated this week that the partnership may end early. It is reported that the negotiations between Apple and Barclays have been ongoing for several months, but reaching an agreement may still take several more months.

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