
ひろびろ使えて整理がらく。置くだけでらくに冷凍、おいしく保存。霜つきも抑える。「らくうま!ひろin冷凍プラス」採用の冷蔵庫「まんなか冷凍 HXCCタイプ」を発売

Spacious and easy to organize. Just place items for easy freezing and delicious storage. Reduces frost build-up. The refrigerator "Middle Freezer HXCC Type" utilizes the "Easy Delicious! Hiro in Frozen Plus".

Hitachi ·  Jan 15 15:00
  • Spacious and easy to organize. Just place items for easy freezing and delicious storage. Reduces frost build-up. The refrigerator "Middle Freezer HXCC Type" utilizes the "Easy Delicious! Hiro in Frozen Plus".
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