
美股异动|小鹏汽车盘前涨超9.7% 与bp pulse合作互相开放充电网络

U.S. stocks are fluctuating | Xpeng Autos surged over 9.7% in pre-market trading, collaborating with BP Pulse to open up charging networks to each other.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 14 17:05

On January 14, according to Geelonghui, Xiaopeng Autos (XPEV.US) rose over 9.7% in pre-market trading, reaching $12.96; Listed in Hong Kong ended trading up about 8.5%, closing at 50.6 HKD. In terms of news, Xiaopeng Autos announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with bp pulse to mutually open their charging networks. The two parties will establish pilot projects in key economic circles of mainland cities, collaborating on equipment and locations to lay out a super-fast charging network in core cities, providing electric vehicle users with safer and more reliable charging service experiences. It is reported that customers from both parties will have access to a widespread charging network across 420 cities in mainland China and over 30,000 charging points, jointly creating one of the highest quality charging networks in key city circles. (Geelonghui)

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