
中粮包装获上海原龙投资控股(集团)有限公司增持2.86亿股 每股作价7.21港元

COFCO PACKAGING received an increase in shareholding of 0.286 billion shares from Shanghai Yuanlong Investment Holding (Group) Co., Ltd. at a price of 7.21 Hong Kong dollars per share.

Sina Hong Kong Stocks ·  Jan 14 00:16

According to the latest information from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, on January 8, Shanghai Yuanlong Investment Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd. increased its shareholding in COFCO PACKAGING (00906) by 0.286 billion shares at a price of 7.21 Hong Kong dollars per share, totaling 2.061 billion Hong Kong dollars. After the increase, the latest number of shares held is 0.558 billion shares, with a latest shareholding ratio of 50.08%.

This Trade involves Other related parties: Peking Huairui Fengquan Management Consulting Co., Ltd., Zhou Yunjie, ORG Technology Co., Ltd. and Peking Jinghe Packaging Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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