

It is reported that the FDIC in the USA has asked Banks to suspend direct involvement in Cryptos.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 6 10:01

On January 6, according to Reuters, a US federal court document shows that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) requested Banks to suspend direct involvement in Cryptos in 2022 and 2023, but did not order Banks to stop providing banking services to Cryptos companies. The research company History Associates Incorporated, hired by the Crypto Exchange Coinbase, sued the FDIC, and the judge subsequently ordered the FDIC to provide versions of its "pause letters" sent to Banks. The FDIC publicly disclosed the letters for the first time last month, but the judge ordered the FDIC to resubmit them with more "subtle redactions." The new batch of 25 letters includes 2 letters sent to Banks that were not included in the FDIC's initial submission. The Chief Legal Officer of Coinbase tweeted on social media platform X that the redacted letters show the FDIC is dedicated to preventing various Crypto asset activities and called for further investigation by Congress.

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