
《內房》濟南:二套房公積金貸款首付比例降至兩成 今起施行

"Inner Housing" Jinan: The down payment ratio for second home provident fund loans has been lowered to 20%, effective today.

AASTOCKS ·  Jan 6 07:18

The Jinan Housing Provident Fund Center has issued a notice regarding the further optimization of the housing provident fund policy, adjusting various policies including the minimum down payment ratio and loan limits. Among these, for employees applying for housing provident fund loans to purchase a second self-occupied housing, the minimum down payment ratio is adjusted from 30% to 20%. The loan amount calculation of the housing provident fund is increased from 15 times the Account balance to 25 times; if the loan amount calculated according to the borrower's loan limit calculation method is less than 0.2 million yuan, a loan of 0.2 million yuan can be granted.

In addition, support for rental withdrawals will be increased. The fixed rental withdrawal amount for employees without housing is raised from 1,200 yuan per month to 1,500 yuan, and the capped rental withdrawal amount is increased from 36,000 yuan per year to 42,000 yuan. This notice will take effect from today (the 6th).

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