
GUM:強積金去年人均賺逾2.2萬元 超178億元流入美股基金

GUM: The average profit per capita from the Mandatory Provident Fund last year exceeded 0.022 million yuan, with over 17.8 billion yuan Inflow into U.S. stock Funds.

AASTOCKS ·  Jan 3 12:10

The Mandatory Provident Fund consultant GUM announced that from the beginning of last year until December 27, the average earnings per person from the MPF were about 22,869 HKD, the best performance since 2020, with a return of 9.3%.

In terms of Stock Funds, those focused on US and Japanese markets performed the best, with returns of 23.2% and 20.4% respectively from the beginning of last year until December 27. Meanwhile, Hong Kong Stock Funds (tracking Indices) and Greater China Stock Funds recorded returns of 20% and 16.2% respectively.

For Fixed Income Funds, the Hong Kong Money Market Funds and Conservative MPF Funds performed the best, each recording returns of 3.6% during the period.

During the same period, an inflow of 17.832 billion HKD was recorded for US Stock Funds, along with another 7.818 billion HKD inflow into the default investment strategy - Core Accumulation Fund. At the same time, there was an outflow of 9.139 billion HKD from Hong Kong Stock Funds, and 8.237 billion HKD outflow from Mixed Asset Funds.

GUM's Executive Director, Chan Yui Long, indicated that he believes last year's upward trend will continue into the first quarter of this year. He stated that US Stock Funds are the top choice for the first half of this year, estimating that the S&P 500 Index could return 10%, while Hong Kong Stock Funds may achieve a 5% positive return in the first half.

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