

Chengdu TangYuan Electric (300789.SZ) appointed She Chaofu as the general manager.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 2 20:11

Chengdu TangYuan Electric (300789.SZ) announced that the Board of Directors elected Ms. Zhou Yan as the deputy chairman of the company,...

According to the Zhito Finance APP, Chengdu TangYuan Electric (300789.SZ) announced that the Board of Directors elected Ms. Zhou Yan as the vice chairman of the company, responsible for assisting the chairman in carrying out related work and jointly promoting the realization of the company's Global Strategy objectives, with a term starting from the date of approval by the current board meeting until the end of the third Board of Directors' term. Ms. Zhou Yan no longer holds the position of general manager. Ms. Zhou Yan serves as the company's vice chairman, a member of the Board of Directors' Compensation and Assessment Committee, and holds related positions in subsidiaries.

The Board of Directors appointed Mr. She Chaofu as the company's general manager, responsible for the company's daily Operation management work, with a term starting from the date of approval by the current board meeting until the end of the third Board of Directors' term. At the same time, Mr. She Chaofu will automatically no longer hold the position of executive vice general manager. The Board of Directors appointed Mr. Zhou Yi as the company's vice general manager, with a term starting from the date of approval by the current board meeting until the end of the third Board of Directors' term.

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