

DyDo and others announced --- monthly trends.

Fisco Japan ·  Dec 30, 2024 08:03

DyDo <2590> and others announced.

Announced on December 27.

Company name ⇒ Stock code: July ⇒ August ⇒ September ⇒ October ⇒ November ⇒ December.

Kyoritsu Maintenance <9616>: 13 ⇒ 6 ⇒ 19 ⇒ 14 ⇒ 12 ⇒ -.

DyDo <2590>: -8.7 ⇒ 0.5 ⇒ -6.8 ⇒ -12.9 ⇒ 2.8 ⇒ -4.9.

Askul <2678> (Company-wide): -0.4 ⇒ 6.4 ⇒ 0.1 ⇒ -7.3 ⇒ 7.1 ⇒ 1.3.

Genky Drug Stores <9267>: 4.8 ⇒ 3.3 ⇒ 2.4 ⇒ 5.8 ⇒ -0.3 ⇒ 4.6.

All units are in %, except for the operating rate compared to the same month last year.

(Company-wide) is the revenue growth rate of total sales.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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