

Research Reports Gold Digger | Soochow Securities: Maintaining a "Buy" rating for Huahai Qingke, the Ion Implantation company builds a second growth pole.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 27, 2024 15:49  · Ratings

On December 27, Gelonghui reported that Soochow Securities pointed out that Huahai Qingsi (688120.SH) acquired the remaining 82% equity of its subsidiary Xinyu Company, establishing a second growth pole for the Ion Implantation agency. Based on the company's high growth potential, a 'Buy' rating is maintained. The trade is based on the subsidiary's performance from 2024 to 2026, completed in three phases, with a risk compensation mechanism reducing acquisition risks: Huahai Qingsi adheres to a platform development strategy of 'equipment + service', successfully entering the Ion Implantation machine field through this acquisition. The transaction will be conducted in three phases based on the acquired symbol's performance, revenue structure, and the number of delivered machines from 2024 to 2026.

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