Mynet <3928> focuses on acquiring and long-term operation of gaming titles centered around online platforms, managing a secondary business with over 80 titles in operation. With strengths in sales, operation, and planning/development in the secondary business, four new business areas have been developed as initial development, BtoB solutions (gaming), sports DX, and BtoB solutions (cross-industry).
For the third quarter (3Q) financial results for the fiscal year ending December 2024, cumulative revenue increased by 0.9% year-on-year to 6,693 million yen, and operating profit increased significantly by 374.4% to 385 million yen. The full-year financial estimates project a revenue increase of 10.1% from the previous period to 9,600 million yen and an operating profit increase of 113.6% to 360 million yen. Although profits have already exceeded projections, a revised disclosure is planned when the effects of various measures for both existing and new businesses become visible by the end of the fiscal year.
In terms of Q3 (July-September) results by segment, the secondary business recorded a revenue increase of 1.3% year-on-year to 1,849 million yen and operating profit increased by 3.3 times to 254 million yen. The titles in operation are performing well, generating upside throughout the period. Moreover, as acquisitions are influenced by market conditions, the trend is toward larger deals that bundle multiple titles rather than acquiring single titles. Candidates for acquisitions are being carefully considered, with the aim of seizing opportunities and materializing them. The new business is still in the investment phase, resulting in a significant revenue increase to 166 million yen, a 6.1 times year-on-year rise; however, the operating loss worsened to -178 million yen from -69 million yen year-on-year. The new season of "B.LEAGUE#LIVE" has recorded the highest attendance to date, and in BtoB solutions (cross-industry), solutions that also include product development are being provided.
Based on the strengths of the secondary business, there is an expansion into new areas related to gaming, while steadily creating profits and continuing investments in new businesses. With strengths in sales, operation, and planning/development, the business composition has been organized over the past few years, and there is potential for significant leaps forward.