
三井化学、製品輸送におけるエネルギー使用量および 温室効果ガス(GHG)排出量の可視化を実現

Mitsui Chemicals has achieved the visualization of Energy usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in product Trucking.

Mitsui Chemicals ·  Dec 15, 2024 23:00

Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: Osamu Hashimoto) has visualized the Energy consumption and greenhouse gas (hereinafter referred to as GHG) emissions in product transportation by building calculation logic using its unique BI (Business Intelligence) tools in accordance with the Energy Conservation Law and government guidelines.

Until now, Mitsui Chemicals has promoted efforts to reduce GHG emissions in the logistics process that handles product transportation, aiming for maximum contribution through the value chain, by formulating a climate change response policy toward a Circular Economy in 2019 and announcing a Carbon Neutrality declaration for 2050 in 2020. It is expected that by using the developed BI tools to identify high environmental impact transportation routes and switching to modal shifts such as transport from Trucking to Railroads, further efforts toward reducing environmental burden in product logistics will be promoted.

The groundbreaking points of the developed BI tool are as follows.

  1. It has become possible to simultaneously calculate and easily grasp two types of data: Energy consumption and GHG emissions, which enables timely responses to customer inquiries regarding GHG emissions.
  2. From the visualized data, it is possible to select emission reduction Target Materials.
  3. By incorporating the conventional GHG emission data during international transportation*¹ into this BI tool, it allows for the unified management of GHG emissions during both domestic and international transport.
  4. The input work previously done by multiple personnel has been streamlined by using this BI tool, achieving a system to calculate Energy consumption and GHG emissions from shipping slips. A 90% reduction in business labor compared to traditional methods has been achieved.

In the future, Mitsui Chemicals' Logistics will continue to accelerate the promotion of business reform utilizing DX to realize a sustainable society.

Image diagram.


That's all.

Using the calculation method provided by Mitsui Chemicals and Mitsui Warehouse Holdings, visualize the CO2 emissions generated from the international transportation of the company's products | News Release | Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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