
唯捷创芯(688153.SH):Wi-Fi 7产品已在多种移动终端上批量出货

Weijie Chuangxin (688153.SH): Wi-Fi 7 products have been shipped in bulk on various mobile terminals.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 20, 2024 15:56

On December 20, according to Gelonghui, Weijie Chuangxin (688153.SH) stated on the interactive platform that Wi-Fi 7, with its ultra-high speed, larger capacity, and low latency features, shows a broad prospect in application areas, capable of supporting Consumer Electronics, Smart Home, smart office, public hotspots, Smart City, and industrial automation. So far, the company's Wi-Fi 7 products have been shipped in bulk on various mobile terminals. As one of the key products for promotion, significant revenue growth is expected next year.

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