
《復牌》檳傑科達(01665.HK)大股東提私有化建議 每股作價1元

PENTAMASTER (01665.HK) major Shareholder proposes privatization at a price of 1 yuan per share.

AASTOCKS ·  Dec 19 23:39

PENTAMASTER (01665.HK) announced that Puga and PCB (joint offerors) proposed to privatize the company through a scheme arrangement, with a cancellation price of HK$0.93 per share, along with a special dividend of HK$0.07 per share, totaling a cash offer of HK$1 per share, a premium of 25% compared to the last trading price before trading was suspended. After the plan becomes effective, the company's shares will be delisted from the stock exchange. Currently, the joint offerors and the concert parties hold a total of 66.55% of the company's equity.

The company's shares have been applied to resume trading on Friday (the 20th).

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