
A股机器人概念回暖 瑞凌股份涨停

The A-share Robot Concept is warming up, and Shenzhen Riland Industry Group has surged to the daily limit.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 19, 2024 10:16

On December 19, Gelonghui reported that Shenzhen Riland Industry Group and Nanjing Chemical Fibre hit their price limits, while Zhongjian Technology, Aeffek, SanFeng Intelligent Equipment Group, and Jianshe Industry Group followed suit. In the news, recently, several well-known automotive companies have announced their entry into the humanoid robot field, injecting new power into the development of robot neural network technology. It is reported that leading companies like BYD and Huawei have successively laid out humanoid robot businesses, and Xiaopeng Motors has even announced related patents. Industry experts believe that the automotive industry chain overlaps significantly with the robot industry chain, and the involvement of leading automotive companies will greatly accelerate the commercialization process of humanoid robots.

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