

LENOVO GROUP (00992.HK) smart phones have been preliminarily ruled by the USA ITC to infringe LM Ericsson Telephone patents.

AASTOCKS ·  Dec 18, 2024 09:35

The USA International Trade Commission (ITC) stated that a preliminary ruling found the Smart Phones produced by Motorola Mobility, a subsidiary of LENOVO GROUP (00992.HK), infringed the patents owned by Swedish Communications Equipment manufacturer LM Ericsson Telephone.

All members of the ITC will make a final ruling on LM Ericsson Telephone's allegations in April next year. If the ruling is upheld, the USA may prohibit the import of the involved Smart Phones.

Media previously reported that LM Ericsson Telephone accused three series of Smart Phones under Motorola of infringing its wireless communication technology last year, and LENOVO GROUP had denied the allegations earlier.

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