
リアルゲイト Research Memo(5):2024年9月期は営業利益で前期比39.7%増。ビジネスモデル移行に成功

Lear Gate Research Memo (5): For the fiscal year ending September 2024, operating profit is expected to increase by 39.7% compared to the previous period. Success in transitioning the Business model.

Fisco Japan ·  Dec 17, 2024 14:05

■ The performance trend of Lear Gate <5532>

1. Overview of the performance for the term ending September 2024

For the term ending September 2024, revenue was 7,948 million yen, a 14.0% increase from the previous term, operating profit was 766 million yen, a 39.7% increase, ordinary profit was 629 million yen, a 30.0% increase, and net income was 380 million yen, a 36.5% increase, achieving both increased revenue and profit.

Regarding revenue, both stock-type and flow-type performed well. Stock-type revenue reached 5,520 million yen, a 10.8% increase from the previous term. Existing operating properties maintained stable operations throughout the year, recording an occupancy rate of 99.04% in September 2024, the highest in the past three years. In the second half, owned properties such as "AMBRE" (Shibuya Ward) and "OMB Meguro Nakacho" (Meguro Ward) opened, expanding the scale of the business. There were 62 operating properties (up from 58 at the end of the previous term), and the operating area was 98,923 square meters (up from 85,437 square meters), both exceeding the previous term. Flow-type revenue grew to 2,428 million yen, a 22.1% increase from the previous term. This increase was due to the completion and handover of three large construction projects, as well as the sale of "PORTAL POINT HARAJUKU ANNEX" and "IVY WORKS" in the first half. It should be noted that even after handover and sale, these flow-related properties have signed ML contracts and contributed to stock-type revenue.

Since the cost of goods sold increased by 11.1% from the previous term, the gross profit increased significantly by 31.4% from the previous term to 1,292 million yen. This included stock gross profit of 930 million yen before allocating common expenses, and flow gross profit of 368 million yen. The company is able to manage comfortably by covering fixed costs with stock gross profit. Selling, general and administrative expenses remained at a consistent level with personnel costs in the management department and headquarters rent increasing by 21.0% to 525 million yen. As a result, operating profit reached 766 million yen, a 39.7% increase, comfortably exceeding the full-year plan of 640 million yen. The favorable profit factors include an increase in occupancy rates, early leasing of new properties, and higher-than-expected gains from the sale of real estate.

2. Financial condition and performance indicators.

The total asset balance at the end of September 2024 increased by 4,487 million yen from the end of the previous term to 15,894 million yen, expanding the scale of assets. Current assets increased by 1,519 million yen to 5,526 million yen, mainly due to an increase in sales properties by 2,288 million yen from the acquisition of three properties. Fixed assets increased by 2,968 million yen to 10,368 million yen, primarily due to an increase in land and buildings (tangible fixed assets) at the (tentatively named) Shibuya Ward Hatchiyama Project, among others.

Total liabilities increased by 4,057 million yen from the end of the previous term to 13,183 million yen. Of this, current liabilities increased by 1,510 million yen, and fixed liabilities increased by 2,547 million yen. Due to refinancing of loans for real estate acquisition (change in conditions), long-term borrowings tend to increase further.

In terms of management indicators related to safety, reflecting the acquisition of properties for the next fiscal year and beyond, the current ratio is 94.7%, the fixed long-term compatibility ratio is 103.1%, and the equity ratio is 16.9%, indicating a slightly stronger leverage, but at a level that is properly controlled. In terms of management indicators related to profitability and efficiency, ROE (Return on Equity net income ratio) is 15.3%, ROA (Return on Assets operating profit ratio) is 4.6%, and ROS (Revenue operating profit ratio) is 9.6%, maintaining high levels and demonstrating the ability to sustain a highly profitable Business model. Although the business model has shifted to acquiring properties triggered by the listing, a healthy financial foundation has been maintained.

(Written by FISCO Guest Analyst, Hideo Kakuta)

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