
Japan Aims To Reduce Food Loss At Businesses by 60%

Business Today ·  Dec 17 11:44

Japan's agriculture and environment ministries on Monday released draft guidelines on reducing the country's annual food loss at food-related businesses by 60 percent from the fiscal 2000 level by fiscal 2030, local media reported.

The current goal calls for halving annual food loss at businesses from the fiscal 2000 level to 2.73 million tons by fiscal 2030, which outpaced the target and dropped to 2.36 million tons in fiscal 2022, Jiji Press said.

The government aims to set a new target of 2.19 million tons by fiscal 2030, it added.

To help meet the target, the government hopes to make it mandatory for food businesses to make efforts to change the widespread practice of rejecting foods and beverages unless there is a certain period remaining before the best-before date and to place orders for such products earlier, according to the report.

Food loss happens at food-related businesses including food makers, retailers and restaurants, as well as at households.

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