

ZHAOJIN MINING (01818) plans to issue ultra-short-term financing bonds with a maximum limit of 1 billion yuan.

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 16 19:54

ZHAOJIN MINING (01818) announced that the company plans to issue the seventh issue of ultra-short-term financing bonds for the year 2024 on December 17, 2024.

According to the Zhitong Financial APP, ZHAOJIN MINING (01818) announced that the company plans to issue the seventh issue of ultra-short-term financing bonds for the year 2024 on December 17, 2024. The base issuance amount for this period is 0 billion yuan, and the upper limit for the issuance scale is 1 billion yuan, which will be used entirely to repay the issuer's interest-bearing debts.

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