

The plant-derived bioengineering plastic "DURABIO" has been adopted for the exterior and clear front screen of Honda motorcycles - in addition to impact resistance, its design features and paint-free condition have been recognized, leading to its expanded

Mitsubishi Chemical Group ·  Dec 15 23:00
Mitsubishi Chemical Group (hereinafter referred to as "the Group") has adopted its plant-derived bioengineering Plastics "DURABIO" for the colored exterior and transparent front screen of the two-wheeler X-ADV, which Honda Motor Co., Ltd. will release in Japan on December 12, 2024.
DURABIO's excellent characteristics, including impact resistance required for mobility's exterior parts, as well as the ability to achieve a glossy and advanced design simply by blending in colorants, eliminating the painting process previously required, have led to its adoption. This is the first time that DURABIO has been used in a two-wheeler's paint-less exterior. Additionally, DURABIO has already been recognized for its excellent functions, such as wind protection, as the transparent front screen of Honda motorcycles. Besides the X-ADV, it has also been adopted for Honda motorcycles announced in Europe (FORZA 750, NC750X) in the exterior and transparent front screen.
DURABIO is a bioengineering Plastics made from renewable plant-derived materials "isosorbide," which can reduce the consumption of depleting resources such as Petroleum, and because the plants used as raw materials absorb carbon dioxide during their growth process, it contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases. It excels in impact resistance, scratch resistance, and color development, and is expanding into a wide range of fields, including the interior and exterior parts of Autos, optical and electronic device materials, and daily goods.
The Group will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society while providing high-value-added products through the deployment of DURABIO.
DURABIO adopted for the exterior (skirt cover) and transparent front screen.
■Reference: Honda News Release dated December 5, 2024.

"FORZA 750"
DURABIO is used for the exterior (upper center cover of the handle, front side cowl).
■Reference: Honda Motor Europe news release dated October 8, 2024.

DURABIO is used for the exterior (middle cowl, side shelters, rear side cowl) and the transparent front screen.
Among the four body colors, DURABIO is used for Earth Ivy Ash Green and Earth Black, making it the first application outside of black.
■For reference: Honda News of individual stocks release dated November 5, 2024.

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