
《業績》奢侈傢俬商RH(RH.US)上調全年展望 股價升15%

Luxury furniture retailer RH (RH.US) raises its full-year outlook, and the stock price increases by 15%.

AASTOCKS ·  01:02

LUXURY FURNITURE RETAILER RH (RH.US) ROSE 15% ON FRIDAY TO HIT A 52-WEEK HIGH. The company's third-quarter profit fell short of expectations, but the company raised its full-year revenue forecast to grow 18% to 20% year-on-year for the fourth quarter.

RH announced adjusted earnings per share of $2.48 per share for the previous quarter, an improvement from a loss of 42 cents last year, but below market expectations. Revenue grew 8% to $0.81 billion, slightly below expectations.

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