
万隆光电(300710.SZ):聘任李啸虎为总经理 聘任张舒为财务总监

Hangzhou Prevail Optoelectronic Equipment (300710.SZ): Appointed Li Xiaohu as General Manager and Zhang Shu as Chief Financial Officer.

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 13, 2024 08:21

Hangzhou Prevail Optoelectronic Equipment (300710.SZ) announced that the Board of Directors recently received the resignation letters from the company's chairman and general manager, Lei Qian...

According to the Zhitong Finance APP, Hangzhou Prevail Optoelectronic Equipment (300710.SZ) announced that the Board of Directors recently received written resignation reports from the company's chairman and general manager, Lei Qian Guo, non-independent directors Xu Quanhai, non-independent director and financial director Lei Pengguo, non-independent director Mu Jinguang, and non-independent director Bai Ruiping.

The company held the seventh meeting of the fifth Board of Directors on December 13, 2024, and reviewed and approved the "Proposal for the Appointment of the Company's General Manager" and the "Proposal for the Appointment of the Company's Financial Director." After qualification review by the Board of Directors' Nomination Committee, the Board agreed to appoint Li Xiaohu as the company's general manager and Zhang Shu as the financial director, with the term starting from the approval date of the seventh meeting of the fifth Board of Directors until the end of the term of the fifth Board of Directors. The appointment of the financial director has been reviewed and approved by the company's Audit Committee.

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