
趙世曾:看淡香港商業物業市場 穩定收息債券可作現金避難所

Zhao Shizeng: Bearish on the Hong Kong commercial property market, stable income Bonds can serve as a cash refuge.

AASTOCKS ·  Dec 13, 2024 09:10

Zhongneng Group (00131.HK) Chairman and Founder Zhao Shiceng stated that he has not been Bullish about the Hong Kong commercial property market in recent years and may not invest in this area in the short term. In contrast, he is more Bullish on residential property investments.

In addition, the group invests in Stocks and Bonds, among which stable income Bonds are still worth investing in as a cash refuge. He also emphasized that speculation will not occur, and therefore, there will be no investment in virtual currencies, focusing only on doing well in the familiar main business.

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