

Hong Kong Stock Exchange (00388.HK) will launch new post-trade services on the Nautical Star spot trading platform.

AASTOCKS ·  Dec 12, 2024 18:29

HKEX (00388.HK) announced that it will launch a multi-year plan to enhance post-trade services in the cash stock market, reflecting the group's ongoing commitment to building future-oriented market infrastructure.

Starting from mid-2025, HKEX will gradually introduce new post-trade features on its flagship integrated cash platform (OCP), providing modern and efficient post-trade services to the securities market.

The new features include automated report downloads and information exchanges, real-time transmission and processing of transaction data, relevant Hold Positions and reference data, as well as real-time settlement instruction matching. As part of the overall platform enhancement plan, HKEX will ensure that its systems are technically compatible with the T+1 settlement cycle by the end of 2025. However, the type of settlement cycle adopted in Hong Kong in the future will be decided after market discussions.

HKEX Group CEO Bonnie Chan Yi-ting stated: "HKEX has continuously invested in Technology and market infrastructure to ensure the long-term prosperity and development of Hong Kong's Capital Markets. We are pleased to launch the modernization plan for the cash platform, thereby offering real-time and more efficient post-trade services. The group will continue to enhance the flagship cash platform, strengthen the depth and vibrancy of the market, prepare thoroughly to capture future opportunities, and solidify Hong Kong's position as an international financial center."

HKEX will gradually introduce new post-trade services and features on OCP, with the launch dates to be announced separately.

HKEX will continue to provide core post-trade services through the Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS), and after the gradual rollout of new features on OCP, discussions with the market regarding the future positioning of CCASS will take place.

HKEX Group Chief Information Officer Liang Songguang stated: "Platform development is a core strategy of HKEX to ensure our Business and markets keep pace with the times. We are excited to introduce new post-trade features in a modular way, allowing the market to adopt them flexibly. We look forward to collaborating with market participants to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong's Capital Markets while optimizing infrastructure."

Earlier this year, the development of the new flagship derivatives platform (ODP) was announced, which, along with the OCP enhancement plan, is one of HKEX's strategic development priorities. The group is committed to leveraging its technical capabilities to ensure the sustainable and robust development of Hong Kong's market infrastructure.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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