

Research Reports on treasure digging | Central China: Sichuan Swellfun's high-end Baijiu(Chinese Liquor) growth is slowing, rating downgraded to "Cautious Shareholding".

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 12, 2024 15:21  · Ratings

Gelonghui, December 12 | Central China Research Reports point out that Sichuan Swellfun (600779.SH) saw a slowdown in overall revenue growth in the third quarter, with low growth in high-end liquor as the main reason. Sales expenses decreased, performance was released, and profitability improved. Overall, the company's profit growth this period far exceeded revenue, mainly benefiting from reduced sales investments. It is believed that during the economic headwind phase, liquor companies will continue to cut sales and marketing investments in exchange for relatively superior returns for Shareholders. Referring to the closing price of 58.82 yuan on December 10, the corresponding PE ratios are 20.97, 19.8, and 18.71 times, and the company's rating has been downgraded to 'cautious increase in shareholding.'

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