
華潤醫藥(03320.HK)附屬完成發行30億人民幣債券 三年期票息2.15%

CHINARES PHARMA (03320.HK) subsidiary completed the issuance of 3 billion RMB ​Bonds with a three-year coupon rate of 2.15%.

AASTOCKS ·  Dec 12, 2024 01:17

CHINARES PHARMA (03320.HK) announced that its subsidiary, Pharmaceutical Commerce, has completed the issuance of 2024 convertible Bonds, with a total principal amount of 3 billion yuan, of which the three-year term is scaled at 2.5 billion yuan with a coupon rate of 2.15%; and the five-year term is scaled at 0.5 billion yuan with a coupon rate of 2.26%. The funds raised this time will be used to repay existing CSI Enterprise bonds.

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